How much longer for the congregation book (sorry bible) study?

by Saltheart Foamfollower 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Saltheart Foamfollower
    Saltheart Foamfollower

    After the recent decision to ditch the cbs during the circuit visit, I've started wondering if it is the first step to losing it altogether. At the current rate, the draw close book will be finished at the end of next year. Based on the way things are going, even the most recent publications will be out of date by then (Acts book and organization brochure were out of date when studied) so what is the point of doing them. I think they may be considering producing a schedule for family worship evening - a book to study, highlights and then some time for whatever head of family decides. The question box on last week's service meeting seemed to acknowledge that their have been problems with the dumbing down - kids brought up don't understand any doctrine. At one time the group study was where deeper things were studied but since that went, nothing is done in any depth.

    If the cbs does go, what will happen to the rest of the meeting?

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    hopefully not much longer

  • paladin

    The book study should be ditched and we can have a family wake up evening study instead. lol

  • frankiespeakin

    I don't think they will ditching the congreagtion home book study, because when they start selling off Kingdom Halls more will be needed for homes to open up for meeting being subdiveded to accommadate smaller public meeting or something, as the likely hood of traveling great distances to meet in bigger groups may be impratical. This is all speculation but I think they are planning on robbing the congregation even more by selling kingdom hall right out from under the lower contributing congregations that ain't pulling in much cash. We must never forget the Governing Body are running a Business and some times hard hitting financial measures must be taken, and we see when they are in a bind just what measures they will take to make sure 'God's Earthly Organization stays finaically profitable and all financial drain and leaks are plugged up.

  • nowwhat?

    maybe we could actually study the bible!

  • jw07

    They will return to the Revelation book the average JW is too slow and asleep to realize all the looney doctrine and inconsistencies in that book.

    I'm serious

  • DesirousOfChange

    The CBS will transition into part of the TMS. Once the current book is completed, it will be replaced with the new, dumbed down brochures. There will NEVER be anything of the likes of the Revelation Book again. Fred's Dead. They don't have the talent to put the spin on BS like that again. Expect a new "Reasoning" book on the horizon because the current one is OLD and has a shitload of errors that are embarrassing and it needs to be updated. Then they can continue to give talks on the subjects in it.

    I don't see it ever going back into the homes of publisher. I don't know why this was halted. I don't think we've ever heard the REAL reason. Just lots of speculation about it here and there. I can see where small groups got off on tangents contrary to Organizational doctrine. (Hey, they probably read the Bible. That could get you off track!) Or, the liability in some way or another. Or, the fact that they were required to have one CBS at the KHall where DFd persons seeking a comeback could attend. With so many KHalls having multiple congregations, it was difficulty to organize 2 midweek meetings for all Congs meeting in one KHall.

    But, eliminating the CBS would eliminate the need for a new 192-page book to be produced each year. That's a savings of 10 millions books that no one is contributing towards.


  • WTWizard

    I wonder how much it would cost the washtowel if people study instead of the LIE-ble or the washtowel littera-trash. Go there, and you are sure to find the real truth about Christi-SCAM-ity. Jesus? Nothing more than a model of what the perfect slave is, and if you follow its example, you are to become the perfect slave. And after studying that site, or before (if you choose), you may also go through Crisis of Conscience. That details how the washtowel doesn't even adhere to its own bible--holy or not.

    Remember, it only takes one of (the religion does not adhere to its holy-book, or its holy-book is itself bad) to render the religion bad.

  • solitairelife

    DesirousOfChange: you stated 'I don't see it ever going back into the homes of publisher. I don't know why this was halted.' There were many problems with this arrangement in our area. Usually a sister was the one who opened up her home and lots of times the elder conducting the study would arrive before everyone else, thereby causing a problem for the sister who found herself left in her home alone with the brother. In one area, the sister began dating an unbeliever unbeknownst to the congregation and eventually had sexual relations with him inside her home without confessing it to the brothers. Eventually it was found out and the sister was disfellowshiped and there went the book study arrangement; those who attended thereafter had to meet for the book study at the hall. I am sure other problems existed with the arrangement as well.

    As for an update to the Reasoning Book, if you currently have a copy of the original I would definitely keep it. What a great source of misinformation to pass on to newer ones.

  • Saltheart Foamfollower
    Saltheart Foamfollower

    I pretty much agree with DesirousOfChange - something like the old instruction talk will be brought back - much easier to control and no need for costly new books every other year. It is hilarious how they release a publication one year and the next year, before it has even been used, parts of it have had new light shone on them. With a talk it would be easier to keep the information up to date - maybe an online only publication as source material.

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