Please sign this petition!

by Seraphim23 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seraphim23

    Please sign this petition!

    Eunice Spry was a Jehovah’s witness.

    Petition Background (Preamble):

    'Britain’s most sadistic mother' will be let out of jail next month (July) – and will be re-homed just miles from the adopted children, (Victoria, Christopher and Alloma) she brutally tortured for nearly 20 years.

    Eunice Spry, now 70, was originally jailed for 14 years in 2007 (lowered to 12 years on appeal) after she was convicted of 26 charges of disgusting child abuse against her two foster children and an adopted daughter

    Here are just some of the acts of depravity - Full information on the case including interviews with the victims can be found on this link...

    During her reign of terror, Spry forced the children to drink bleach and urine, eat their own vomit, eat rat excrement, stand naked and cold for hours on end and even sandpapered the skin from the face and hands of one terrified child.

    Brave Victoria was once tied up naked and left blindfolded – surviving on crusts and water – for THREE months.

    Spry would regularly beat the children on the soles of the feet with a “variety of sticks”. The children would be “punched kicked and strangled”, and if they cried the sticks would be forced down their throats.

    Christopher once had his hand held down on a hot electric hob until it was left looking like a “gooey mess”

    Spry confined one girl to a wheelchair for three years after a car crash in a cynical bid to maximise compensation for the accident.

    Spry even handed one child over to a sex predator, who she allowed to be sexually abused

    Unrepentant Spry has shown no remorse for her crimes and refuses to admit she carried out the heinous acts.

    Spry is thought to have paid released prisoners to track down addresses on the outside – and while the three siblings are no longer scared of their evil ‘mother’, they fear she will track them down.

    Victoria will be interviewed on TV on Monday by Holly and Phillip from THIS MORNING

    Please remember to sign this petition. We need to support the survivors of this abuse in their final quest for justice and allow them to live a life free from fear or harm.

  • DesirousOfChange

    There are some crimes that deserve the death penalty.


  • exwhyzee
  • Seraphim23


  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    mmm yes i'll sign it right away because internet petitions work.

    oh wait they dont

  • Seraphim23

    With that attitude I’m surprised you commented, although I wish you hadn’t as one of the victims of this woman is a friend of mine.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    So, Seraphim, as a friend of one of the victims, you'd rather she put her hopes on ineffective but SPECTACULAR! efforts instead of helping the victim find remedies that WORK.

    Barrold Bonds offered you the Truth and you rejected it. Are your feelings more important than actually helping the victim?

  • Seraphim23

    Nathan Natas you know nothing about him or me.

  • talesin

    For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

    ~ Newton's Third Law of Physics

    I guess it all depends on your definition of what 'works' ........ signing this petition is a positive thing to do, whether it changes law or anything, it's a positive action. The End.


  • talesin

    Oh, and negativity sucks. Also, the End.

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