From the new Theocratic Ministry School Book, Page 16, we read:
Training Children to ListenThe more I search publications put out by these jerks, the sorrier I feel for all of you that were raised in this cult.Christian parents can help their children--even infants--to become
“wise for salvation” by bringing them to congregation meetings, assemblies, and conventions. (2 Tim. 3:15) Since children vary in disposition and attention span, discernment is needed to help them learn to listen attentively. You may find the following suggestions to be helpful.At home, arrange times for your young Children to sit quietly and read or look at the pictures in our Christian publications. At the meetings, avoid using toys to keep young ones occupied. As was true in ancient Israel, so today young ones are present “in order that they may listen and in order that they may learn” (Deut. 31:12) Where practical, some parents provide even very young children with personal copies of the publications being considered. As children get a little older, help them prepare to have a share in programs that call for audience participation.
The Scriptures reveal a close link between listening to Jehovah and: obeying him. This can be seen in Moses words to the nation of Israel: “I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the malediction; and you must choose life . . by loving Jehovah your God, by listening to his voice and by sticking to him.” (Deut. 30: Today, listening to the Instruction Jehovah provides and obediently applying it in our lives are essential to gaining God's approval and the blessing of everlasting life. How vital, then, that we heed Jesus' admonition: "Pay attention to how you listen"! Luke 8:18.