Anyone else hear about this? I got this second hand from my wife, who got it from her mom.
Apparently, there will be two points of entry to the convention. Badge wearers will come in through on entry, non badge wearers go in through another, which apparently will have security screening.
Surely, this can't be right...Can it?
Two points of entry for the Dallas Convention?
by CaptainSchmideo 38 Replies latest jw friends
You are only aiding the terrorists, you know....
Lol. They sure are ridiculous with this paranoia.
Doesn't sound right. Is it a big arena? In detroit at ford field we have been informed that all will be screened by non jdubs. Also all bags will be searched. I'm imagining this will go real slow due to the fact that everyone will have lunch bags.
Coffee House Girl
My mom (going to the Detroit International convo this comming week) informs me also that she had to go buy a new lunch bag because it had to be a specific size, she has to carry her bible,songbook, and note book in without a bookbag, and that she has to change to a small purse for screening.
paranoia much???
My covention site is a smaller stadium, and security is not a big issue. I imagine in the larger cities, when famous stadiums are used, and there is a large attendance, it reflects the attitude of post 9/11.
Glad I won't have those problems.
They are been paranoid about apostates for a long time. In the 90's when I was just barely attending and highly suspected of apostacy I was stoped at the front entrance of the usual place they hold the convention in F*. Wort*. I would not have gotten in if another jws vouched that I was indeed still a jws.
Once someone called in a bomb theat at that same place. ( heard about it from an elder I knew) I notice they did not tell anyone and let us decide if we would like to leave. I still remember that. Please, let me decide if the bomb threat is real or not. Imagine if the place had blown to kingdom come?
I apoligize for spelling errors . I am in enhanced IE 10 and for some reason the spelling program is not working.
Only two points of entry??? Debbie would be sad.....
Everyone knows there's three