Is it possible to maintain personal beliefs as a member of the Watchtower Society

by I_love_Jeff 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • I_love_Jeff

    Is it possible to maintain personal beliefs as a member of the Watchtower Society when absolute unity is demanded?

    This question was deleted from Yahoo! Answers due to it being "insulting/ ranting" against a group. Is this ALWAYS going to happen on Y!A every time we make a good point and JWs are unhappy with it? Weak!

    Here is an article that will help explain:

    One of the most dramatic examples of this is the switch (in 1954) from worshiping Jesus to not even speaking to him. As if by the flick of a light switch, JWs everywhere no longer prayed directly to Jesus but, rather, "through" him. If new light were introduced, today, regarding the blood issue, the same sudden shift would occur. The Watchtower Article would go something like this:

    "Although it should remain a matter of conscience, the taking of whole blood in the form of transfusions does not appear to violate scripture since transfused blood is not consumed by the body as food. While transfusions can lead to medical complications and should, therefore, be taken only when no other options are available, the resulting preservation of Christian lives is significant, especially as the end draws near."

  • I_love_Jeff

    Come check us out, by the way.

  • I_love_Jeff

    Hannah J Paul states,

    "Just to restate things slightly for the purpose of clarification, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is a publishing entity; Jehovah’s Witnesses are not ‘members’ of the publishing entity. Jehovah's Witnesses are baptized Christians.

    As to your question, let us ask the apostle Paul since he was directed by Holy Spirit to speak on the matter. His words are found at 1 Corinthians 1:10-13. He exhorts his fellow Christians, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that they should ALL speak in agreement; that there should be no divisions and that they should be fitly united in the same mind and in the same line of thought. Then he gives an example of where they fail to do same. So, speaking in the name of Jesus, the head of the Christian congregation, speaking under the direction of the Holy Spirit, and speaking words that are now recorded in God’s word the Bible, Paul makes it abundantly clear how important unity is. Given all that, I would say it is entirely possible for true Christians – who have come to conform their way of thinking to God’s way - to be unified as Paul mentions. Of course, if one takes issue with the written Word, that’s another subject entirely. Are you taking issue with the written word?"

  • DesirousOfChange

    [Paul's] words are found at 1 Corinthians 1:10-13. He exhorts his fellow Christians, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that they should ALL speak in agreement; that there should be no divisions and that they should be fitly united in the same mind and in the same line of thought. Then he gives an example of where they fail to do same.

    What about the situation that eventually leads to "New Lite" on doctrine?

    When the GB sit around their big conference table and one of them says: "I don't agree with that generation BS we've been teaching. I think we need an overlapping generation."


    Damn apostate GB Members!


  • blondie

    Yes, as long as you don't share them with anyone....if you tell your best friend, your spouse, anyone who will purposely or accidently tell the wrong person, it will be out of the bag.

    Many jws believe that non-jw children with both non-jw parents won't be killed permanently at Armageddon despite what it says in the WTS publications.

  • stuckinarut2


    you must be "assimilated...resistance is futile"!

  • blondie

    I wasn't assimilated and my family had their own ideas....probably why it took me so long to leave. I finally realized staying gave the impression I supported WTS ideas and it was increasingly difficult not to share ideas with non-jws.

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    Yes, it is possible to maintain personal beliefs as long as you are discreet about it.

  • sparrowdown

    The whole purpose of brainwashing someone is to remove from their brain any trace of a "personal belief" system.

    So no, if you still hold personal beliefs contrary to GB approved thinking, then you are not a true" member of the WT".

    You are a mole, you are like a live person in a group of brain dead zombies, and just like zombies JWs can smell a living, breathing, thinking, warm body a mile away.

  • I_love_Jeff

    The question has been deleted......AGAIN!

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