The Rants of a Dumbass Elder Still Serving

by TTATTelder 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Ok in the effort of full disclosure

    Obviously you are not a real elder. LOL


    I have had a couple of drinks and recently experienced a circuit assembly and a bad experience with a CO.

    Only two?? I admire your self-control after a day like that.

    The bitterness and disillusionment in the Org. will only intensify as reality sets in. As the hateful rhetoric escalates those JWs with a couple of still-functioning brain cells will not be able to take it anymore. Only the most ascerbic people will feel at home in WT Land.

  • nonjwspouse

    Even me, having never been to one meeting ( aside from a couple memorials ro appease my MIL) and never studied with a JW, I used to read and read the materials in order to keep up with what my husband was reading so I could better perepare myself fo rany conversion tactics coming my way, and to better prepare myself to plant seeds of doubt.

    But even I can not read those WT ( study and public) or Awake any more. It literally turns my stomach knowing the loaded language and knowing what it really means. The deception is sickening, and angering. I had to stop. The writers writing to what seems like grade school level minded people is also insulting to my intelligence, and I have a hard time understanding how others aren't offended by it, unless that is the only level they understand. ( which is so sad to me when mind potential is voluntarily stunted)

    I admire the ability of people like the TTATT who can still attend and get through it for the various personal reasons they have. I would probablly stand up and make a scene eventually . To hold your tongue and take one for your family ( or whatever your reason is) is amazing.

    Plus, I appreciate your sharing this stuff here. The various viewpoints are more educating each time somone shares.

    Thank you

  • KateWild

    Only the most acerbic people will feel at home in WT Land.-ADCMS

    I agree, that's my ex. Also really dumb fluffy sheep who live in lala land feel at home as they haven't got a clue what's going on around them. Many will feel overworked and unappreciated. They will feel dishearttened and taken advantage of. This I am sad to say, is the majority of JWs, that's why they have depression, ME, CFS and illnesses like this. The difference between you and them, TTATTelder, is that you know it's all nonesense.

    It is in your best interests, and that of your family that you formulate some kind of exit plan. If you just stop going, come up with an appropriate phrase to deal with unwanted phonecalls and unexpected visits. If you are clever about it they will leave you alone within 6 months. JWN posters have recomended the following.

    "I am having some personal problems and am taking the matter to Jehovah, I am unable to speak to you just now. Thank you for your concern I will ring you when I am feeling up to it"

    You might get the odd call every 6 months aswell.

    Alternatively you could write the BOE a letter about some doctrine you disagree with and the evidence to support this. Arrange to have a JC, record it and make sure it goes viral across the net. This is the activist option and will help many who are stuck in wanting to leave, and is cathartic to many.

    What ever exit plan you decide on make sure you are in control. You will feel much better and confident in your decisions.

    Take care TTATTelder

    Kate xx

  • metatron

    Thank you for posting your rant. It helps me see matters more clearly.

    At the top, the Organization is drifting towards becoming a "denomination". At the CO level, you have men in particular who are driven into fanaticism by the terror of the thought that they wasted their lives.

    This may explain why the Organization is moving in two contradictory directions.


  • Heartofaboy
  • TTATTelder

    Thanks everybody for the jokes, advice, and support!

    Thanks to Blondie for the research. I have never been clear on whether the kingdom was supposed to be ruling or just "present". Also never was clear on whether Jesus was just sitting on the throne or was ruling from the throne. Looks like from the quotes above that they say pretty consistently he is ruling.

    Makes you wonder about the whole thousand-year-reign deal. Will they start saying we are 100 years into the thousand-year-reign?

    Could you imagine trying to keep up with all their crazy contradictory multi-directional doctrines?

    And all with a straight face and a superior tone. Crazy.


  • talesin

    Wow, you got out a lot of frustration in that rant.

    It ain't easy, but you shall ge through this. Take heart dear soul!



  • Splash

    TTATTelder Will they start saying we are 100 years into the thousand-year-reign?

    They're saying the opposite, that however long Jesus reigns since 1914, this is in addition to the 1,000 year reign, when that begins.


  • cultBgone

    Villagegirl, you are absolutely correct about this:

    Those poor pioneers, when they hit 55 years old and realize they have wasted their life and will live in poverty in retirement

    and will work till they die. It pretty much just sucks. BUT on the positive side, I AM OUT and don't live the LIE anymore. What a relief!

  • Vidiot

    metatron - "At the top, the Organization is drifting towards becoming a 'denomination'."

    At the risk of sounding stoopid, how are you so sure?

    metatron - "At the CO level, you have men in particular who are driven into fanaticism by the terror of the thought that they wasted their lives."

    Or the thought of losing what they've worked and/or sacrificed so hard for.

    This is definately easier to see, but I would have thought that by this point in an authoritarian regime's life cycle, minor functionaries would more closely reflect the attitudes of the leadership, rather than less.

    Therefore, shouldn't the GB and those closer to them be experiencing this anxiety, as well? Or has the GB actually become so insulated from the realities of those further down the chain that they simply aren't truly aware of it?

    metatron -"This may explain why the Organization is moving in two contradictory directions."

    Mainstreaming at the top; extremism at the bottom?

    I dunno; the GB's increasingly unhinged-sounding rhetoric and their plans to move to a closed-compound HQ don't sound too particularly "mainstream" to me.

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