Who Will Be The Next Governing Body Member To Defect Like Raymond Franz? I Think Samuel Herd Might Be A Prospect.

by frankiespeakin 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    Not really, it could anyone of those guys who shows a sign of humaness/compassion and regret and go on exposing them all to the media worse than Ray Franz ever could have. Yes I know this may be wishful thinking/computing on my part but I feel it is a harmless indugence or may be it is just my deep unconscious foretelling a likely scenerio.

    And it is good to create a distrust among these guys each one trying to beat the other to jump ship because thier unconscious is giving them fits to get the hell out when the getting is good. Maybe even report their fellow GBs to the authorities to be granted clemency or something. (just dreaming and fantasising my life away here).

  • jw07

    My vote is with a Samuel Herd / Mark Sanderson ticket Vote Herd-Sanderson 2016!

    Samuel Herd seems like a hubris filled sack of pus held captive to the Watchtower concept.

    1. You have to admit that he seems a bit quick witted though, so maybe he has / could figure out that it's all a money making scheme.

    2. He being THE minority could be a factor in stiring his outlook a bit, especially in light of perceived racism, and Watchtower's history of racism. We just have to wait and see.

    Mark Sanderson too seems to have the Watchtower doctrine stick waaaaay up his ass (no lube ).

    1. Remember that Marky boy is YOUNG though. Being exposed to the inner workings of the Governing Body could set off light bulbs in his mind if he depending on the kind of person he is / conscience.

    2. He comes off as a yes man and showpeice to me. He gave a talk at my convention last year (in Jamaica) and it was nothing special, save his different accent and droves of dumb JWs flocking over to worship him and take photos with him. He doesn't seem that sharp in the brain.

    Whatever happens IF it happens will be harder to control in our time thanks to high speed mobile internet, social media, and the damn Governing Body making video appearances on large screens at every chance. The fallout would be catastrophic even if a member defects and doesn't say anything to the media.

    The response would probably be like this:

    1. Letters sent to elders informing them that "one of our own has apostatised" - Letter to be kept confidential and discarded promptly, congregation is not to be informed of the details.

    2. A special talk prepared by the GB to be delivered by the coordinator of the body of elders...screw that, they will likely want an emergency assembly planned where the GB themselves will deliver talks on apostasy, and it being a sign that the end is so close.

    3. A mixed bag of crazy instructions that JWs should obey "whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not". Disconnect your internet / limit use, don't speak to doubters, report ANY signs of doubt, do more service, do not speak to disfellowshipped ones unless it's to invite them back since the end is so damn close now! Stock up on food and water, stop watching the news since the media will be telling lies about us

  • RubaDub

    I think Sam Herd too.

    He's the ... ah .... fellow in the woodpile.

    Rub a Dub

  • villagegirl

    Don't be fooled by those guys playing; Bad Cop, Good Cop,

    they know what they are doing, they want to engender sympathy

    and hope that they really are who they claim to be. Never forget,

    they are NOT the "sole channel" of anything at all, ever.

    No such thing. One mediator; and he is invisible, 1Tim 2:5

  • daringhart13

    I have some interesting insight on Sam Herd.....and believe me, I agree with you.

    He finds the way elders treat each other to be disgusting.

    He isn't a 'dumb' guy perse...... you just have to wonder if he is going to have that 'moment' that wakes him up......

    If anyone...him...but I think they are all too scared anymore.

  • problemaddict

    Sam Herd was just at the last Assembl day i went to. He is loosing it. When he went of script, he seemed MORE strict, not less. He isn't going anywhere, let me assure you.

  • factfinder

    Do any of the gb really believe in "the truth?".


    Samuel [ no soul ] Herd aint going anywhere. He KNOWS who puts sauce on his ribs.

  • LostGeneration

    The problem for any of these guys is whether they will have any way to support themselves if they stop sucking off of mothers teat...

    I guess they could write a book, like Ray did, but how much would they really make off of that.

    Unless they have rich family that will take them in, they would be stuck in the poor house, not a welcome prospect once you are used to living the high life as a cult leader.




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