Worry Over Possible "Spying Elders"

by abbasgreta 20 Replies latest jw friends


    I used to worry as well. Then I went to a casino and a gay- bar and realized that the Eldubs are so wrapped up in their own lives that they don't really give a shit. As long as I turn in some time and they can satisfy the CO, they don't really care. As long as they think that I am one of them, they will leave me alone for the most part. They are so mesmerized by the Armageddon fantasy and their own salvation through works, that I am nothing to them. As long as I am visible at times and not vocal, they will leave me alone.

    These clowns can't even do Shepherding calls consistently. They aren't super-spies.


  • Wild_Thing

    Yes, I remember being so paranoid the elders. Part of it is well founded, though. The elders kept coming to my apartment and knocking on the door to talk to me. TWO OF THEM. I always dropped to the floor, crawled into another room and hid. Every time I did it, I remembered seeing other people do the exact same thing when I would be out in service and knock on their door! Lol! Eventually, they left me alone.

    I think it depends on how big/small a town you live in and how eagar the elders in your congregation are as to whether they spy on you or come after you.

  • abbasgreta

    I was referring to their possible membership on here, "hiding what they are".

  • KateWild

    I am not worried about the elders "spying" on me. I have done nothing wrong and have nothing to hide. In fact I would love them to listen to the JC recording, and my youtube. I would love them to see my perspective of why I am out the WT.

    In fact I think they are more worried of me than I am of them, worried of exposing their JC meeting for what it is. A kangaroo court with no holy spirirt guiding it.

    I can understand how intimidating they can be though, and no one should be a victim of their intimidating behaviours.

    Kate xx


    I think changes in the legal scene are altering their behavior, and will continue to do so. There is a subtle shift happening right now. Call me crazy, but I can smell it. There is a new CO talk going around about being "molded for dishonorable use", this basically means that the moment YOU DECIDE to disobey the local BOE [ no matter how wrong or dumb they are ] you are on the celestial hit list.

    I have been thinking about this and it is not as bad as you would imagine. The Eldubs know or will know, very soon, that they are on their own legally. The CO also ranted and raved about abusive Eldubs and " God help them if they abuse the flock." So there is some serious sh** hitting a big ass fan somewhere. This is good news, as it means Eldumbs are going to be more afraid of "abusing" someone and finding themselves on Jeehoober's hit list, or perhaps being sued for defamation. [ wink ]

    So I think as more time passes, especially after a certain case is decided, the Eldubs are going to be hamstrung. What can they REALLY do?? They are steadily being reduced to pencil pushers who can only regurgitate the delusional ranting of the GB. Even now, the CO is taking on more power and the Elders have less. Their only "power" is to repeatedly extend " kindly efforts" to weak ones. Besides that [ unless you openly challenge the doctrines ] they can't do anything. It's a corporation, so make sure your paper work is turned in and stay off the radar. Even if the BOE doesn't like you or thinks you are rebellious, it's in Jeehoober's hands. He may be molding you. In the meantime you are living YOUR LIFE and they are wasting theirs for the WTBTS.

    As far as Eldubs spying on JWN, they are. What are they gonna do?? Are they going to invite more Elders here so they can have a witness? That's assuming they could even positively identify you, which they cannot. Even then you would have to confess, which you won't. That brings us back to the whole " molding" farce, which translates to " wait and see/kindly efforts" and that means " Jeehoober's hands", which means you will be ignored unless you kick the hornets nest.


  • KateWild

    The CO also ranted and raved about abusive Eldubs and " God help them if they abuse the flock." So there is some serious sh** hitting a big ass fan somewhere.- DD

    Well DD, I see this from a slightly different perspective now that I am completely out. I have heard COs say this ever since I got unjustly taken off pioneering 5 yrs ago. I was asking too many questions and exposing wrongdoings of COBEs wife who was a pioneer.

    IMO I think they say this for the flocks sake and teach the elders in the flock book the complete opposite. The Flock book IMO is just a book to keep the r&f in line, in an abusive way. Not a book that teaches men to be caring and considerate of the sheep.

    That's my opinion DD, what do you think? Could I be right?

    I think elders are going to be more abusive and start calling disloyal ones apostates.

    Kate xx

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    KW: I think elders are going to be more abusive and start calling disloyal ones apostates


    It's already going that way, and WT is escalating its view that anyone, including active JWs "in good standing", who expresses anything "negative" about the Org. is to be viewed as an opposer:

    day text 3-1-14

    ".... Let us therefore have nothing to do with apostates or anyone who claims to be a brother but who is dishonoring God. This should be the case even if he is a family member. (1 Cor. 5:11) We are not benefited by trying to refute the arguments of apostates or those who are critical of Jehovah’s organization. In fact, it is spiritually dangerous and improper to peruse their information, whether it appears in written form or it is found on the Internet.​—Isa. 5:20; Matt. 7:6. w12 5/15 4:12, 13

  • KateWild

    improper to peruse their information-ADCMS

    Control of information, a distinguishing practice of cults. WT is a cult. Kate xx

  • ducatijoe

    Like Mel Gibson cries out in Braveheart right before he dies.... "FREEDOM" Oh wait... If any on this treat are really still in....You did not see the film, rated R.

    If a current Elder in on this site he would have a difficult time explaiing to his fellow elders why.

    If any "feders" are on this site thinking they can still be in when wanting to be out.... well there can be a wonderful life with fantastic friends outside.

  • ducatijoe

    I see I mis spelled Faders in my last post. No coffee yet.

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