I don't agree with this new arangement. But I don't see the org. getting rich. I don't see the gov B driving Bentleys and building mansions. Doesn't the money get used to build halls and help the brothers? Don't get me wrong, I'm here because I'm not happy with things. venting.
The real reason for the new donation arrangement?
by redvip2000 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals
"Now JWs have no actual world HQ,"
Because ............?
@ venting Quote: " I don't agree with this new arangement. But I don't see the org. getting rich. I don't see the gov B driving Bentleys and building mansions. Doesn't the money get used to build halls and help the brothers? Don't get me wrong, I'm here because I'm not happy with things. venting."
If it is - like you say - and the GB has nothinh to hide, why they show us not a monthly or yearly report like the KH is doing?
The Searcher
VENTING - Does the G.B. really run the worldwide business & real estate conglomerate known as the WTBTS?
Does the POTUS really control the U.S.A.?
Nothing personal, but I don't believe for an instant that any of the G.B. would have the remotest clue about running a multi-billion dollar company!!
@fastjehu why would they? To please curious apostates? Clearly the cloud of active JW's is not demanding such transparency.
Fastjehu and the searcher. An interresting point. venting.
new hope and happiness
The searcher, agreee...but the question is WHO does, otherwise its all lets blame an" organisation".
Who makes the decision?
who has the power?
Bet we dont get an answer.
Furthermore this arrangement is implemented in 239 countries and not in the US only so it has nothing to do with the IRS or US tax exempt status. If that was the case they would only change arrangements in the US.
Perhaps, but by this logic the rest of the world would still be selling literature, since that change was based on a change in US law in the early 1990's. There is a trend of changing rules on an organization-wide basis, based on a change in one country. Another example of this is how Bulgaria changed penaties for taking blood transfusions - and that's a much smaller country
venting - "I don't see the gov B driving Bentleys and building mansions."
In point of fact, we have heard anecdotal evidence - from fairly reliable sources - that GB members actually do drive high-end (WTS-owned) vehicles.
And no, they don't build mansions...
...but they are building a state-of-the-art Headquarters complex in Warwick, NY (which will include much nicer residential accomodations than Bethel, BTW), and have purchased luxury real estate in the UK.
venting - "Doesn't the money get used to build halls and help the brothers?"
These days, it's used more often to renovate/refurbish Halls; a process that seems - more often than not - to have the WTS owning the Hall directly as an end result...
...which can then be sold - with all proceeds going to WT HQ - if the congregation(s) using that Hall are unable to maintain a minimum level of contributions (in money or time) to the WTS's need for constant growth.
I'm not entirely certain how that "helps the brothers".