800 Infant Bodies Found in a Septic Tank at Roman Catholic Children's Home

by cofty 43 Replies latest social current

  • cofty

    796 infant skeletons have been found discarded in a septic tank at the former mother and baby home run by the Catholic Church in Ireland between 1925 and 1961.

    Unwed mothers were sent these "Magdelene asylums" to be treated like criminals. Their babies - if they survived - were taken from them. If they did not survive their bodies were thrown into a septic tank and forgotton.

    The home is just one of many throughout Ireland, all of which had shocking infant mortality rates.

    20th century Ireland is a testimony to what happens when religion is given secular power.

    Guardian comment...

  • Oubliette

    Wow, I just saw the film Philomena. I wondered how authentic the story was. Apparently very.

  • fulltimestudent

    Thnx for posting this story, Cofty.

    I saw it but didn't have the time to post it.

    Its an important story. We are entitled to ask questions about this long-running practise in this 'Christian' church. In view of the sordid problems in other similar Christian child-care facilities in which young children have been physically abuses and even murdered, will a forensic study be made of the remains to try and establish the reasons for their death?

    It is difficult to imagine the death of so many children occurring and being secretly buried, without the connivance of local authorities. Did any local adherents of the church connive to keep the deaths secret?

    And, above all, where were those great lovers of children, Jesus and his father, (not to mention the holy spirit- which/who knows all things) when all this abuse of children was going on?

  • rowan

    How I LOATHE the Catholic Church. Mass murderers. All the while forbidding birth control in Ireland. Religion is poison.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I saw the film called "The Magdalene Sisters." I cried for the women. It was punishment and a source of income for the church. I had no idea Ireland had such a past.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
  • Hortensia



  • villagegirl

    Irland never declared war on Nazi Germany during World War ll

    and Ireland aided Nazis gunboats and submarines to sink Merchant

    Ships carrying supplies to those being bombed in London.

    The Irish let the Nazi pilots that landed there, by crashing or by

    mistake or on purpose, have free walking around and Pub privileges .

    Ths was while the Nazis were bombing England and killing Jews.

  • Berengaria

    Another strong argument for the seperation of Church and State.

  • clarity

    Villagegirl ...........links?

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