I.......I......I can't believe what I'm seeing. I actually thought some of things we've been hearing on here lately might be a bit overblown, but now I'm a believer. My parents are spinning in their graves. To say that I no longer recognize the religion of my youth, is an understatement. (I'm 34)
Notable Points from JW.org video:
1.) I thought this was gonna be some sort of spoof at first, then I saw the actual Convention Overseer (Donnie Starrett) was the one narrating this, and even shown at 0:33. I can't believe he mentioned "celebreties" and the corporations, etc in the opening. This is blatant Idolotry! I am floored by this incredible display of materialistic, elevated self-worship. It is narcassistic.
2.) They are pulling a "Rutherford" by reading a passage from Revelation (7:9), and then applying it to some obscure cult convention in 2014 Atlanta, USA. History really does repeat itself.
3.) 1:50, we see a guy on the Hospitality Committee (Hey, how many handicapped are attending again?) talking about the delegates, and directly behind him is the "rainbow books" of Rutherford / Knorr era, which are ironically ALL "Old Light". Didn't anyone let this guy know he's supposed to remove those old worthless publications to the dumpster, just like all the rest of the local Kingdom Halls? Sheesh!
4.) At 2:55, the only building that could accommodate what "The Governing Body wanted....." - Wow, we can really start to see who's in charge, can't we? Cult Alert! Cult Alert!
5.) At 4:50, we are shown some of the "private homes" that "some" of the delegates will be staying at. Now I ask all of you, how many JW's did you know that stayed in homes that looked like this? That is some rich-ass JW's that would have homes looking like that! Imagine what for a SHOCKER the poor delegates are bound to be in for when they arrive at their host-homes and see what they are REALLY in for? Hahahahahahaaha! Jaws will be on floors, for sure!
6.) 5:07. Governing Body put on display for world to see. Mark Sanderson, is front in center with a red-striped tie to draw your attention away from his big bald head. This guy is going to be running the show, if he isn't already. Someone should have told Geoffery Jaskson that the suit color of the day was "blue."
7.) 5:28, "Listen, Obey, and be blessed." Do what they tell you to do, and ride that stinking MARTA train in, and don't complain about it! The indoctrination of the children with this new propoganda motto is down-right creepy and scary. A whole new generation of brainless, non-thinking WT zombies is in the making, and it ain't pretty!
8.) 6:15, riding the MARTA is apparently "testing our obediance to theocratic direction." What an incredible statement to make on a public video. Just incredible mind control going on here. They are so bold, they might as well claim, "Do as we say or else!" Same thing really.
9.) 7:58, we hear that delegates will be taking a tour up to a FEDERAL PENITENTIARY, to see exactly where Booze Rutherford was imprisoned! What a "Grand ol' time" that will be! Can you imagine the inmates getting a look at some of the Sisters passing thru? What a blessing from the Governing Body! More like creature worship and an immense waste of time, if you ask me. Who but idiot JW's (and possibly Mormons) would brag about the imprisonment of their previous idiot leaders? **Insert EPIC face palm here**
10.) 8:15, we are told that 15 nights of wonderful entertainment will be provided. Can you old timers on here tell us about the entertainment you were treated to in the tent cities during the conventions at Yankee Stadium way back in the day? Even I remember as a child going to 4 to 6 day conventions and sweating ass in the heat, nearly dying of exhaustion. I wonder, how much did renting the Buckhead Theater cost in donation money? JW's are made to feel guilty for any outside entertainment, vacations, etc.....but yet THIS is being provided thru donations? The hypocrisy, oh the hypocrisy, and a showy display of means at that.
11.) 8:20, since when are JW's allowed to play musical instruments again? When do they have time? I thought all hobbies and anything other than JW interests were a waste of one's time, and better spent in the Field Ministry? This was the excuse given to me as a child when I wanted to join school band? Where did these JW's come from, who can play music? I'm floored. Aren't these people considered spiritually weak?
12.) 8:45, we are shown direction as to the size of a bag of food allowed into the venue. As a bodybuilder, I eat 6 times a day. This bag would only hold 1/2 my food, and certainly not enough for a family for an entire day. This is CULT 101, keep people hungry and they will stay awake to intake your indoctrination. Steven Hassan covered this in Combatting Cult Mind Control. This level of control (over food even) is sinister.
13.) 9:35, it's going to be a great program because, "Members of the Governing Body are attending." You heard it here first.......the new Popes will be arriving in their Pope-mobil to bless the crowds of brain-dead door-knockers. I can't believe I heard/seen this for myself. Astounding.
14.) I wouldn't call a Jehovah's Witness convention "The time of my life" anymore than I'd call a root-canal refreshing. What are these people high on?
15.) Closing sequence has that little girl repeating (for emphasis, remember?) Listen, Obey, and be Blessed. This is some scary, scary shit we are seeing right here. Jim Jones would think he had died and gone to cult heaven. It's uncanny.
Special Note: Jesus wasn't mentioned even ONCE in this entire Christian, tooting-their-own horn video. Now THAT, is messed up. And even Jehovah got out-ranked by the Governing Body. This entire convention is about THEM, their image, their creature worship, and public relations. Advertising the Kingom or Jesus is now dead LAST to living high off the hog.
- Wing Commander