JWs cheat the least??

by lambsbottom 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • lambsbottom
  • Wild_Thing

    When you spend every waking moment studying with your spouse, going to meetings with your spouse, and going out in service with your spouse, who would have the time?

  • LisaRose

    It's odd because most JWs are disfellowshipped for immorality as opposed to any other reason, so I am wondering if the JWs are just not being honest on the survey so as not to "bring reproach"? It also doesn't make sense because adultery is the only grounds for divorce, so a lot of it happens for that reason alone.

    The evangelicals having the highest rate doesn't surprise me, I don't know why.

  • ducatijoe

    what are they doing on Ashley Madison site.... Oh My

  • GrreatTeacher

    Those figures are for those who responded to the survey, not everyone who uses the site.

  • millie210

    Well the JWs are couched right there in between atheists and Hindus, so it must not have much to do with "the truth".

  • GLTirebiter

    Only because they're such a small group relative to the other categories reported! The wording of the article is poor; it gives the results in a way that represents population size rather than the likelihood that any given persoon will cheat on their spouse. Also, the survey's methodology is poor (a self-selected sample is not a random sample, and therefore is unlikely to provide accurate results).

    98.76543210% of all statistics cited in internet articles are meaningless, made-up BS (including this one).

  • BobFlanagan007

    @ millie210 - I don't get the point you're trying to make.

  • cassuk11

    Statistics can be misleading soem people and couples are good at hiding it to keep face. There is no difference between believers and non beleivers it rains on both some no ne believers are more loyal its got nothing to do with belonging toan organization

  • KateWild

    This doesn't surprise me. High control religions are sexually repressive, and evangelicals are passionate. You have a recipie for infedelity.

    Kate xx

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