i recall from my youth an announcement at the cong-----we were having a visit by a brother from the London brothel.
Big Time Hypocrite
by Iamallcool 30 Replies latest jw friends
You badly need spellcheck. What's wrong with going to Bethel? And why was he followed there? I thought it was every decent Witnesses desire to do so. Have I missed something?
Sparrow... it sounds like your friend needed to learn how to move on..... but I guess we are talking about a person who does not have it in them to get out of a cult (hopefully she wakes up soon)
Frazzled UBM
Sparrowdown - such a sad story and the saddest part is that the poor woman never saw through the hypoocrisy of the org and got out. I imagine she is a very sad bitter woman as a consequence. Hopefully she will never realise the great hope of Paradise Earth is also a fraud - that is probably all she has to hang on to.
"Hubby decides he wants divorce so decides to go to hooker comes home same night tells my friend (his wife):"
Why not simply tell his wife he went to see hoker instead of actually going to one.
And women are so vindictive. They think that they are righteous because they are the "innocent" party but vindictiveness is not righteous.
iamallcool: Oub, the brother got suspicious and he decided to follow him, thats all I know.
JWs that are wannabe cops.
steve 2: You badly need spellcheck. What's wrong with going to Bethel? And why was he followed there? I thought it was every decent Witnesses desire to do so. Have I missed something?
I agree, I see no problem here. If a brother wants to go to Bethel for BJ, what's the issue? BJ means "Big Jehovah", right?
Iown Mylife
The poor men have no option but to marry either vindictive, controlling nags or bj-giving whores. What's a Watchtower-lovin' elder to do?!
Pyramid God
Rattigan you are sexist.
Out of that entire tale of a poor woman being screwed over so profoundly by the elder's gentleman's club, the one thing you extract is that women are all vindictive?
She has a right to be upset after being mistreated that way. Anyone would.
"My friend freaks out, calls elders, tells them what he has done."
"My friend hits the roof she is livid she embarks on this one woman mission to destroy this SOB."
"Right now she has got him, my friend and the young sis travel about 2hrs across the city to the branch and refuse to leave until someone listens to their story. (She and him used to be in bethel so she knew a few people there)."
I have been divorced and I remember being so furious I was almost at the point of being manic. I am glad I was able to recognize it and see it for the life destroying force that it was. I hope for your friends sake she is able to lose the "I am right" attitude and just move on. If she can she will truly be happier. I have found though that people who love to be right have a hard time moving on..