Wow! That's quite a story!! Stephen Lett or whoever is a real nut-job!! He looks exactly like the hale-bop comet fracktard. There was a whole drama based on Elijah the prophet calling down fire from heaven. Lesson: Don't piss off Jeehoober, don't exalt/worship humans ( does that include the GB?!?!?!) and Jehoober will protect you [ only a group and not miraculously]. Let the anecdotes fly!!!!!
HOLY HELL!!! These people are freaking watchtarded!!!
by DATA-DOG 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Lett gives a great xenophobic "Beware of the Voice of Strangers" talk full of stranger hysteria and shoud be a real classic too bad he only said some bull shit about lisnteing and obey Jehovah the Corporation logo and sock puppet/GB.
I too was shocked at how bad of a speaker geritt is. Awful. Growing up I remember how great of speakers the GB was. This really is a new breed.
Agreed. He came off as a doddering nincompoop who can't read or speak very well.
Between him and Lett's facial buffoonery, I was thinking...."Wait - Jehovah, the creator of billions of galaxies with billions of stars, the grand almighty lord of the universe, picks these 2 dolts as 28% of his 'special channel of communication'? He's not exactly choosy, is he?"
Coffee House Girl
HAHAHA!!! Thanks for making me laugh...I remember my last convo too (I officially left about a month after the convention)- I didn't have a phone with internet at the time (lucky you) but I was texting my friends the whole time talking about how lame it was- I felt so sneaky, my family thought I was texting other JW friends at the convention sitting across the stadium. I volunteered to watch the contribution box, clean, anything to keep from having to talk to JWs or hear the convention-