New Financial Arrangements

by Joe Grundy 44 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • frankiespeakin

    I did some looking up of this "Nonprofit revitalization act" And how it squares with inproving transparency and fight fraud, I thought this might be of some interest. It looks like the records of these independent audits will be in the direction of greater accountability and more transparency.

    “After 40 years, it is exciting to see that Attorney General Schneiderman, the Legislature and Governor Andrew Cuomo have modernized the oversight system for nonprofit governance,” Brooks said in a statement issued to the press. “The Nonprofit Revitalization Act will serve to strengthen the entire nonprofit sector not only through streamlined and modernized processes, but through a heightened focus on effective and accountable governance.”

    The goals of the Nonprofit Revitalization Act include reducing outdated and unnecessary burdens on nonprofits and expediting the application process, improving both transparency and governance in the name of improving public trust in charities,” according to Hannah Hanford, executive director of the Adirondack Health Foundation. “The Board of Trustees of the Adirondack Health Foundation believes strongly that charitable boards take their oversight role seriously because a nonprofit’s integrity is its most important asset. This new law reflects their philosophy and practice while it recognizes modern communication methods to streamline board e-communications to allow business to be accomplished in a timely manner.”

    According to Schneiderman’s office nonprofit organizations operating in New York generate hundreds of billions of dollars in annual revenue – the highest of any state in the nation – and are responsible for one in seven jobs in New York State.

    According to a press release issued by ACT, the Nonprofit Revitalization Act enhances nonprofit governance and oversight to prevent fraud and improve public trust by:

    - Ensuring sound financial management by requiring that charities’ boards perform active oversight over financial audits. Boards will be responsible for retaining independent auditors and reviewing results of the audit. At larger charities (over $1 million in annual revenue), the board or audit committee will be required to follow additional oversight procedures.

    - Preventing conflicts of interest by requiring that transactions between a nonprofit and insiders who stand to benefit be fully disclosed and that nonprofit boards determine they are fair, reasonable, and in organizations’ best interests. When a charity engages in a substantial transaction with an insider, the board will have to consider alternatives and document its basis for choosing the insider transaction.

    - Strengthening the Attorney General’s power to police fraud and abuse by granting clear power to bring judicial proceedings to unwind interested-party transactions.

    - Ensuring board independence by prohibiting any employee of a nonprofit from also serving as chair of its board.

    - Promoting good governance by requiring all nonprofits to adopt conflict of interest policies and those with over $1 million in annual revenue and 20 or more employees to adopt whistleblower policies.

    - See more at:

    “After 40 years, it is exciting to see that Attorney General Schneiderman, the Legislature and Governor Andrew Cuomo have modernized the oversight system for nonprofit governance,” Brooks said in a statement issued to the press. “The Nonprofit Revitalization Act will serve to strengthen the entire nonprofit sector not only through streamlined and modernized processes, but through a heightened focus on effective and accountable governance.”

    The goals of the Nonprofit Revitalization Act include reducing outdated and unnecessary burdens on nonprofits and expediting the application process, improving both transparency and governance in the name of improving public trust in charities,” according to Hannah Hanford, executive director of the Adirondack Health Foundation. “The Board of Trustees of the Adirondack Health Foundation believes strongly that charitable boards take their oversight role seriously because a nonprofit’s integrity is its most important asset. This new law reflects their philosophy and practice while it recognizes modern communication methods to streamline board e-communications to allow business to be accomplished in a timely manner.”

    According to Schneiderman’s office nonprofit organizations operating in New York generate hundreds of billions of dollars in annual revenue – the highest of any state in the nation – and are responsible for one in seven jobs in New York State.

    According to a press release issued by ACT, the Nonprofit Revitalization Act enhances nonprofit governance and oversight to prevent fraud and improve public trust by:

    - Ensuring sound financial management by requiring that charities’ boards perform active oversight over financial audits. Boards will be responsible for retaining independent auditors and reviewing results of the audit. At larger charities (over $1 million in annual revenue), the board or audit committee will be required to follow additional oversight procedures.

    - Preventing conflicts of interest by requiring that transactions between a nonprofit and insiders who stand to benefit be fully disclosed and that nonprofit boards determine they are fair, reasonable, and in organizations’ best interests. When a charity engages in a substantial transaction with an insider, the board will have to consider alternatives and document its basis for choosing the insider transaction.

    - Strengthening the Attorney General’s power to police fraud and abuse by granting clear power to bring judicial proceedings to unwind interested-party transactions.

    - Ensuring board independence by prohibiting any employee of a nonprofit from also serving as chair of its board.

    - Promoting good governance by requiring all nonprofits to adopt conflict of interest policies and those with over $1 million in annual revenue and 20 or more employees to adopt whistleblower policies.

    - See more at:

  • wokeup

    Below is a direct link to the Non-Profit Revitalization Act of 2013 of New York , Bill 8A072-2013. It is quite lengthy. Interesting to note: Consolidation or mergers of 2 or more religious non-profit corporations is spelled out for specific denominations in sections 24-27 for Episcopal, Methodist, Presbyterian and Jewish churches.

    Below is a snippet on reporting requirements:

    1. Every charitable organization registered or required to be regis-
    tered pursuant to section one hundred seventy-two of this article which
    shall receive in any fiscal year gross revenue and support in excess of
    [two hundred fifty] FIVE HUNDRED thousand dollars [and every charitable organization whose fund-raising functions are not carried on solely by persons who are unpaid for such services] shall file with the attorney
    general an annual written financial report, on forms prescribed by the
    attorney general, on or before the fifteenth day of the fifth calendar
    month after the close of such fiscal year. The annual financial report
    shall be accompanied by an annual financial statement which includes an
    independent certified public accountant's audit report containing an
    opinion that the financial statements are presented fairly in all mate-
    rial respects and in conformity with generally accepted accounting prin-
    ciples, including compliance with all pronouncements of the financial
    accounting standards board and the American Institute of Certified
    Public Accountants that establish accounting principles relevant to
    not-for-profit organizations. Such financial report shall include a
    statement of any changes in the information required to be contained in
    the registration form filed on behalf of such organization. The finan-
    cial report shall be signed by the president or other authorized officer
    and the chief fiscal officer of the organization who shall certify under
    penalties for perjury that the statements therein are true and correct
    to the best of their knowledge, and shall be accompanied by an opinion
    signed by an independent public accountant that the financial statement
    and balance sheet therein present fairly the financial operations and
    position of the organization.

    On a side note, below is a link to what a non-profit organizational financial statement would comprise of.

    Nonprofit Reporting

    Business Financial Statement Equivalent Nonprofit Statement
    Income Statement Statement of Activities
    Balance Sheet Statement of Financial Position
    Cash Flow Statement Statement of Cash Flows

  • wokeup

    It appears to me that the public can get a glimpse of the Watchtower's take at the NY headquarters ( 1 time money grab & pledges also ) by the 15th day of the fifth month after the Watchtower's fiscal year ends. Am I correct?

  • zebagain

    So with the end 'so-close' why are they trawling all this capital in buildings and cash?.

    What the hell are they going to spend it on.?

    If some other big countries sell up their US Bonds as they well may do the US $ wont be worth peanuts. Then what?. They will have the majority of their followers, unhoused, unemployed and in a terrible situation. So are they grabbing it all now because it wont be there soon? To what end? There is an old expression about death and money; "You cant take it with you." and dying the wts in its present incarnation most certainly is. There is no additional Jesus to come and die for them and their old way and give them a new way. They have rejected the coming of the Christ as the gb/wts has taken his position.

    The wts is frequently quoting the old testament (when they are not knocking King David or quoting Paul) and like the Pharisees they live in splendour and have their own made traditions that they impose on others and like the princes of that era who were eventually hammered by Rome they too will face there own day of destruction.

    What did Jesus say; "No man knows the hour nor the day".. and feed the orphans, house the widows and the poor etc He didnt say take pledges from the ill-educated the underemployed the low paid and build yourselves mansions.

  • wokeup

    Zeb, I'm sure the Watchtower has made tentative plans for the dollar demise scenario, perhaps this new revenue scheme/stream is a means to that end, there's nothing on the law books to prevent them from making foreign currency exchanges/donations to other branches or precious metal purchases overseas?

  • Skinnedsheep

    I am wondering if this new donation arrangement is actually a way to clear cash off of the books by retiring a bunch of KH loans all at once. This would be done in atpnticipation of the financial disclosure required in 2015. It also generates a predictable forecastable income level.

  • frankiespeakin

    I think this is great news as it make these nonprofit corporations transparent and accountable something that the WT corporation has been side stepping since its founding.

  • DogGone

    This thread has been an enlightening read.

    Could the WTS of New York do the old trick of transferring assets and income to the Pennsylvania Society to skirt these NY State reporting laws?

    Added: Does anyone know what corp the new pledges are for? "The Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses" for example or for a special organization that could be moved off state? (That corp is NY based but has some registration in Florida, evidently:'s_Witnesses) I guess what I'm wondering is whether this all a paper game where the balance sheet of the organization having the KH loans and incomes is being cleaned up and a new entity will have the end revenues.

    Final Edit: "Kingdom Support Services, Inc., New York. Incorporated in 2000 to deal with construction of Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls, other engineering needs, and vehicles." I wonder if this corp is being rolled up due to the reporting requirements.... This is all speculation, of course. But, something is behind the move and it isn't to benefit "Joe publisher".

  • frankiespeakin

    Could the WTS of New York do the old trick of transferring assets and income to the Pennsylvania Society to skirt these NY State reporting laws?

    I think a good audit by an independant source and will show what happened to the transfered assets. This could be very bad news for the Governing Body, I don't think they will be able to cook the books enough to hide this stuff after all the GB are pretty dumb and the same probably goes for those who keep the Corporation's books. Oh and don't forget whistleblower protection policies that must be adopted by those corporation making over a $1,000,000. It seems to be a major breakthrough to keep these non profits honest and trust worthy.

    A buzzword describing fraudulent activities performed by corporations in order to falsify their financial statements. Typically, cooking the books involves augmenting financial data to yield previously non-existent earnings.

    Examples of techniques used to cook the books involve accelerating revenues, delaying expenses, manipulating pension plans and implementing synthetic leases.

    Seems to me that just like their dirty dealings with handleing pedophiles in the Corgregation has turned around and bit them in the ass, they may also have some major problems with book keeping to haunt them now that they must get an independent audit. Well I'm sure it will all come out in the wash, and the shell game is up.

  • frankiespeakin

    I'm sure this latest big haul of cash from all the congregations will be in the audit and transparent, which is good news(not good news of the kingdom matt 24:14) for many as we need to get a glimps of the haul of cash they robbed from thier members. I thing the tendency will be to hide the actual amount somehow, but a good audit should show it up. It would be nice to see the entire Governing Body behind bars for tax evation and fraud.

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