Thanks " twise shy" and maybe everybody isnt doing it. But i think its a really " wild thing" that so many like us have. And in my exsperience there were so many lessons to be learned from my Watchtower days: But those lessons have only really been learnt having left, and now i can either cringe in shame or laugh at the stupidity of my former beliefs and behaviour.
Anyway thanks to the internet it has now been proved beyound all doubt that the Watchtower is not Gods soul channel, which is great and maybe someday like us somesday " Everybody" will be able to enjoy the cool summer evnings free of the Watchtower.
Anyway "New Hope and Happiness " for everyone., someday. maybe. possibly. Well maybe not but at least people can make more informed choices with the internt publically exposing the " truth" of the organisation.
More experiences Welcome they make positive reading.