Detroit Style Ballroom Dancing

by KateWild 39 Replies latest social entertainment

  • clarity

    Hhmmm wonder if that was 'Dad' with such a keen interest

    taking photo's .... or he has never seen jw knees before!

  • KateWild

    I didn't notice him clarity, I wonder??????????

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Playing THE TEMPTATIONS in Kingdom Hall! Brilliant irony.

    My COBE would have a heart attack.


  • lisaBObeesa

    George...exactly. worldly music in the kingdom hall? "The Temptations"?

    Now I've seen everything.


    When I was a teenager, if a group of us had signed up for ballroom dance lessons and then got together to dance it would have been shut down faster than you can say "Footloose."

    Yet here they promote it like it's a normal fun thing JWS do. In reality those fun-starved kids have hit the jackpot being part of this charade. Probably the most fun they've had in years. Poor things.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I'm astounded. I cannot imagine this at a Kingdom Hall.

    I was always surprised when they did drama rehearsals in Kingdom Halls or even the parking lots. What a spectacle for the neighbors.

    I thought the short, stocky guy in the middle had some moves.

    So far only 500 views. Somehow I bet by getting posted here that number soars.


  • KateWild

    I bet they're the evening entertainment for tonight. Lucky delegate in for a wild night eh?

  • twice shy
    twice shy

    This is not ballroom dancing. It is a step they do in clubs, but they've added their own little twist.

    Where o' where did the society go? What on earth are they doing?

    Is this what the Detroit Mormons are doing?

    I hate to have to reread the magazines from early thiw year so I can quote it directly, but it goes in line with the new stuff they are telling the youth.

    They are promoting the world. Too many young ones leaving.

  • zebagain

    With busted knees I cant dance to save my life but they must have been embarrassed to be in front of however many yes a little 'mechanical' but cut them some slack they are young and not used to doing public a... KH.. Mein Gott! what did i see right! yep there is the scripture on the wall!

    and to ..'worldly music at that! The dam is breaching!!

  • EmptyInside

    Well,some of these delegates are coming clear from Australia. So,they need some fun,lol. I hope they get to some other cities,besides Detroit,sorry,no offense intended to those from Detroit.

  • berrygerry

    This is just downright sad.

    More and more, they are trying to re-create a 1950's culture, I guess trying to gain/retain via nostalgia.

    If they do that crap in a KH, then they can play "Last Kiss" at my funeral in the KH.

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