New Tract for August 2014 - Scan

by BluesBrother 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket


    errrrrr so embarassing

  • Poztate

    This tract might bite them in the ass (hope so)

    They mentioned that the internet had the answers to lifes big questions.

    How many do you think will do a google search instead of just logging in at

  • Dagney

    I'm wondering if it will backfire as well. Not in a big boom, but definitely a plop in some thinking JW's. Focus on the the website, it's all "God" not Jehovah...which has been their BIG distinguishing factor (in their eyes) for decades. If it hasn't sunk in yet, this tract is an eye opener.

    Although, it seems to be a easier JW time. Fewer meetings, fewer hours, contact with individuals in the field is no longer required...just stand by your trolley, simple literature. More time for social and personal activities and still be in good standing...may keep people drinking the Kool-aid for years.

    Dunno. Love to hear honest opinions from a JW of this new era.



    ..........................................................It`s an Impressive WBT$ Pamplet..

    ..................................................................IF YOUR 4 YEARS OLD!!..

    .................................................JWs look Stupider with every WBT$ Promotion..



    ...................................................WITH CHICKENS THAT SING AND DANCE!!....


    .........Watchtower is Fun/Cluck..Cluck..Cluck!!.....................Good Morning!..We`re in your Neighbourhood..

    ...We`re Told What To Think/Cluck..Cluck..Cluck!!................Showing the New WBT$ Video on our Ipads!..

    .... We Love the WBT$ GB/Cluck..Cluck..Cluck!!..........................It Has Chickens That Sing and Dance!!...


    ..................................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif....OUTLAW

  • snare&racket

    take away the JW element and imagine a dude with a leaflet outside a shoe shop telling you where to find the answers to all of life's big questions....

    a website....

    They have no external perspective, they have no idea how ridiculous they look...


    Jehoober is really going all out with these tracts!! The nerve of calling this a new release! It's a friggin pamphlet that could be made at Kinkos! Mark my words, Jws will be printing their own literature from home! LOL!!!

  • factfinder

    BluesBrother- thanks for showing us the new tract!

    It points to their website for answers instead of to the Bible.

    The GB would tell you Satan is behind google, never use it!

    DataDog- I agree! Someday witnesses will be printing out their own kms, tracts from their computers from the!

  • Iamallcool

    Q: Where can we find answers about Jehovah's Witnesses?


  • NewYork44M

    This makes no sense. Do other companies go door to door advertising their website? I don't think so.

    They should be advertising on the web, like normal companies do.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I think this new focus on their website and public literature display stands must be seriously undermining the value of the door-to-door work in many JW's eyes. Why bother knocking on doors when you can just pop these fliers in people's letterboxes and stand at a train station with a literature stand? Just get your local junk mail provider to chuck these fliers in everyone's letterbox once in a while and stop going door-to-door. And how long before 'free home Bible Studies' become 'free internet Bible Studies'. Enrol online for your free bible-study course via

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