Maybe there are cosmic "big brothers" who are interested in keeping other sentient life from going extinct.
They can't intervene unless extinction was certain.
They likely have seen this situation many times in many places in the multiverse.
They could look at where intelligent life would start (tropical) area and proceed outward.
Stages of the evolution of civilizations could be plotted.
One popular geopolitical theory is the world island theory of Sir Halford Mackinder, George Kennan, and Jozef Pilsudski. This idea has been the driving force behind the relations between Russia and the USA.
The final battle that results in the Great Tribulation is not between good and evil but it is given a geopolitical orientation of North against South.
The South pushes the North and the North prevails.
ATTRIBUTION: ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLE, Democracy in America, ed. J. P. Mayer,
trans. George Lawrence, vol. 1, part 2, Conclusion, final paragraphs, pp. 412–13 (1969).
Originally published in 1835–1840.
QUOTATION: There are now two great nations in the world which, starting from different
points, seem to be advancing toward the same goal: the Russians and the Anglo-Americans. Both
have grown in obscurity, and while the world’s attention was occupied elsewhere, they have
suddenly taken their place among the leading nations, making the world take note of their birth
and of their greatness almost at the same instant. All other peoples seem to have nearly reached
their natural limits and to need nothing but to preserve them; but these two are growing…. The
American fights against natural obstacles; the Russian is at grips with men. The former combats
the wilderness and barbarism; the latter, civilization with all its arms. America’s conquests are
made with the plowshare, Russia’s with the sword. To attain their aims, the former relies on
personal interest and gives free scope to the unguided strength and common sense of individuals.
The latter in a sense concentrates the whole power of society in one man. One has freedom as the
principal means of action; the other has servitude. Their point of departure is different and their
paths diverse; nevertheless, each seems called by some secret desire of Providence one day to
hold in its hands the destinies of half the world.
If humans can see this it wouldn't be hard for some other technically advanced world with sophisticated statistical analysis to figure out much more.