The fallacy here is thinking that all atheists believe the same thing and all Christians believe the same thing in regard to gun control. Is this based on your personal, small contact with individuals of either group or a scientific survey asking a large number of individuals in each group. With statistics, the devil is in the details.
Are Christians more or less likely to be in favour of stronger gun control than atheists?
by Seraphim23 14 Replies latest jw friends
Hi blondie, I’m not sure if you were asking that to me or not. I am trying to see if there is any correlation at all between ones position on guns and the being a Christian or an atheist. Obviously I understand there aren’t enough numbers to make this a scientific survey but it may be enough to give a slight idea. I’m not assuming Christians and atheists all believe the same things as their each other but trying to get at any trends in respect to guns.
adjusted knowledge are you an atheist or a Christian?
adjusted knowledge
"adjusted knowledge are you an atheist or a Christian?"
I believe there is a strong possibility of a Creator and try to live by most Christian values. I don't agree with all of the teachings.
So I guess a theist with Christian influences.
My position on gun control/laws is I don't care. I own many guns both hand guns and what the media would label assault guns. If I was told to turn them in to the government, I would not object. I don't believe they would reduce over all murders. I enjoy shooting guns but I don't hunt so it is not a big deal to me. It is a big deal to many and the reason why there is extreme opinions. Take guns from people and we will find other ways to kill. Never doubt mankinds ingenuity to kill our fellow man/woman/child. If Cain existed I don't think he had any trouble killing Abel with the lack of technology.
I don't think the radical proposals that LisaRose made will happen anytime soon. None of those opinions are original or very practical. Gun owners belong to both the Democrats and Republicans. It might as well be part of the Holy Grail of politics. Politicians won't make major changes in Social Security or Gun Laws any time soon.
Nonbeliever in favor of stronger gun control
I am an athiest.
Noone needs a gun..