Nobody really knows if Stalin believed in Higher Being or not; however, he was raised to be an Orthodox Priest. His mother never forgave him for abandoning the post even when he became a dictator of USSR. Throughout history, there are many men who were religious and bloodthirsty. Emperor Justinian, who is condidered as one the most holy and religous Eastern Roman Emperor ever and strong defendor of Christianity, is considered the most bloody ruler ever before the rise of Ghenghis Khan. Justinian decimated in his war entire post-Roman world, was responsible for depopulating Itay and Rome, Kingdom of Vandals, Balkans, and Levant, and bancrupted his empire into such degree that Constantinople recovered 500 years later. On top of it, brought a plague from Persia into Europe further straining civilization after the collapse of the Roman power. It is estimated that his reing witnessed a decline 1/3 of all humanity in known world. Yet, he is venerated as true son of the Orthodox faith while prosecuting Roman Catholics, Arians, and Nestorian Christiants.
Was Hitler atheist?
by zound 16 Replies latest jw friends
Hard to say, Hitler was a liar who took different positions with different people.
Band on the Run
I read so many different versions. It still interests me.
The starting point has to be that Hitler was an insane meglomaniac.
It is difficult to apply normal rules on that basis. He certainly believed in his own brand of woo - fate, folklore, symbolism, legend and destiny.
OP, why do you ask?
A.H. was mentally insane, but also it is crucial to say that he vehemently denied to be Atheist. I never heard of it until I moved in USA, but in Europe I was always taught in school that he was raised Catholic with Deist view mixed with German neopaganism. A.H. was vegetarian, he did not smoke, nor drink. There was a documentary on History Channel about him where his doctor treated him for infection (before available antibiotics) with mix of pills that caused him to behave crazy. Stalin on other hand was heavy alcoholic and insomniac. He stayed at up whole night and made calls through his empire to check upon his people what they were doing. Therefore, all the directors of the factories, universities, and government slept in their office in case he will call. The question of his religious views were always debated even under communism. As a former seminary priest he certainly knew Bible and used ideas of the Orthodox religion to build a cult of personality.
His religious back ground most likely created his personal racism and white supremacy ideology.
As the quote above states he was a not a supporter of atheism.
But some bullshit lying theists claim he was and thats why he was so evil.