Expect more Crazy as JW.ORG trims the fat and fills the coffers.

by donuthole 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • donuthole

    Hello again. I'm just catching up with this thread. I started it last week while on vacation. Yeah it sucks that when I should be excited about seeing Mickey Mouse, I'm in the shower speculating about the future of the JW's. So it goes. I just wanted to put it in writing before I forgot so I could "mark it for later".

    Someone asked about the Society owning Kingdom Halls. What I said was that they were the "de facto owner" of the Kingdom Halls. What I meant was that the Society's name is not on the deed, but due to organizational changes they have the ability to seize and sell Kingdom Halls through the local elder body. If the elder body doesn't go along with the scheme they can be removed and replaced with one that will cooperate. There is more to this that can be found by examining a real case. Google "Menlo Park Jehovah's Witnesses" or "Menlo Park Lawsuit" to get started. With even more recent changes in how Kingdom Halls are financed and the loss of autonomy, I'm anticipating an acceleration of congregation consolidation and Kingdom Halls sales, especially in real estate markets with high return.

    Let's talk about this new Governing Body. Unlike their predecessors, these men want to be first and foremost in the hearts and minds of Jehovah's Witnesses. During the coup of the 1980's that saw the end of the president as lord-commander and organizational figurehead, the newly empowered governing body was content to operate more in the background. This was especially true when the GB stopped holding cooperate office. After that JW's did not have a strong leader like in the days of Russell, Rutherford, or Knorr/Franz.

    This new Governing Body is a different beast. The trend started with them getting more face time in the publications. Next they started popping up in the videos, with special attention given to spotlight each of them, if only for a few seconds. They changed doctrine so that they alone were the Faithful & Discreet Slave and even wrote themselves into Bible prophecy as an "overlapping generation". Next, they opened up the annual meeting so that the rank & file could hear their talks via video streaming. This provided another opportunity for them to write themselves into JW history, by putting their own stamp on one of the Organization's proudest achievements, the New World Translation. Now at conventions the GB is getting even more facetime by giving talks through a video feed.

    I don't think it is far off to expect that the new Governing Body could rebrand the religion just as Rutherford did in 1931. As others have observed, it appears that "JW.ORG" is the chosen brand. Going with this would have the same affect as the updated NWT. It both modernizes and helps to write the new GB into the annals of JW history. (Even if they don't go this route, I'm going to suggest that it would be a good shorthand on forums like this to describe this Internet-age version of Jehovah's Witnesses which is increasingly distinct from the past incarnations.)

    It would be fitting because the Internet is gradually rendering tradtional publishing irrevelant which is bad news for a religion that grew out of a publishing enterprise. The downsizing of the Watchtower and Awake! magazines really mirrors what is going on throughout publishing industry. You may have seen your local newspaper getting smaller. Ebook sales are growing while paper book sales are diminishing. The GB are following the exact same trend, by scaling back traditional printing and betting more on JW.ORG.

    I'm going to be bold and suggest that the preaching work will trend likewise. We are already seeing that the focus of the preaching work has moved more from selling magazines and books to distributing free tracts and coming soon, promoting JW.ORG. Stands and storefronts are popping up focused on JW.ORG. If this is the direction the preaching work is going than it will be mean less boots on the ground. They simply don't need a door-to-door sales force of millions anymore. Millions of Jehovah's Witnesses are at risk of becoming redudant, just like the Bethlites, special pioneers, district overseers, and others that are being retired every year. And who gets the cushy job working in the JW store or booth? The most loyal special pioneers and exemplarly regular pioneers.

    This loops back into my original post that suggested that the Society could lose a huge chunk of the rank-and-file and still survive. Indeed the pieces are being set up for this. The recent implimination of a tithe-like arrangement is a way to decouple donations from the preaching work. Simply put the days of selling literature is drawing to a close and will be replaced with more direct member support. However, member donations are only as good as the members are loyal to the cause. Do you remember your wallet snapping shut as you learned the truth about the truth? If this comes true, it will be ironic that this new donation arrangement was promoted as a way to answer the need for more Kingdom Halls, but the opposite may happen. It will usher in the need for less Kingdom Halls.

    A overall reduction in membership will also help another problem, the lack of Ministerial Servants and Elders. Studies have shown that the JW's have a horrible retention rate among born-ins. The pool of qualified men coming up to serve is anemic. The older generation is dying off. Others who are qualified are simply abstaining, not wanting to deal with the headaches and work that comes from being an elder. Fewer congregations, means fewer elders. Those that stick-it-out will be extremely loyal and hardcore.

    Now, who is ready to have a "tinfoil" party? Since the new GB is emulating Rutherford, they'll need their own "evil slave" to villinize, like the Judge did with Bible student dissenters. This new GB is increasingly demanding exclusive loyalty to themselves, as the Faithful and Discreet Slave. They are already prepping for MAJOR dissent. Their gamebook in the past has been to float ideas out in talks and the literature to start prepping the religion prior to making the chanes. Have you observered all the fierce rhetoric against apostates cropping up continually in the literature and in talks? Did you think that was about us? What if it the target isn't those that have left but those that are still in -- those that might have some strong objections to some big changes coming up?

    Matthew 24:10-14 could possibly be used in such a scenario give a Biblical basis to an organizational decrease ("the love of the greater number will grow cold"), villinizae dissenters ("many will be stumbled and betray one another and will hate one another"), promote loyalty to the GB ("the one that endures to the end will be saved"), validate the WORLDWIDE website JW.ORG ("this good news will be preached as a witness to all nations.") and be used as a sign that the end is nigh ("and then end will come".)

    Sorry for writing a book. Lots of thoughts on my mind this morning. Cheers!

  • Vidiot

    Desirous of Change - "It may be the one prediction that they've gotten right."

    I don't recall them predicting that.

    LongHairGal - "I also feel the religion doesn't care if it loses people..."

    Nailed it...

    ...and it ain't much of a stretch from "we don't care if they go" to "we want them to go".

    It's like I been sayin'; as internet penetration in the Third World increases, the WTS's decline is inevitable. The unhinged desperation we've been seeing is their fear that the decline wil spiral out of control faster than they're able to manage and adapt to.

    They take action by pruning the R&F down to a more manageble size ('cause it's way easier to hold the leash on a million or so hard-core loyalists than it is for 6 or 7 million fence-sitters), and by rebranding the WTS as an "e-religion" to make the loyalists think they're doing something new and exciting, whilst further hard-lining the Org's policies on the child abuse problem, rhetoric against former members, and marginilization from the increasingly secular developed world.

    AndDontCallMeShirley - "Desperate thinking leads to desperate actions. There's no predicting what WT will do in the future, except that the absurdity will reach epic levels."

    And what better way to get said fence-sitters to want to leave than epic levels of absurdity?

    It's like in The Hunt for Red October; "how do you get the crew to want to leave a nuclear submarine?"

  • flipper

    I agree with you that the WT Society and Jehovah's Witnesses will become an even stronger cult like force in how the WT leaders control JW members. The WT Society is in a situation where the leaders want to consolidate power and control and one of the best ways to do that is to control ownership of kingdom halls. If you control the buildings you control the people who meet in the buildings and use them. I agree that the teachings will get more radical only for the purpose of serving the needs of the GB 2.0 though- whatever teachings they need to crank out to maintain power and control over 7 million JW's. I disagree that two thirds or a mass exodus of JW's out of the organization will occur though. Many of these people are so mind controlled it's like they are experiencing the " Stockholm Syndrome " and identifying with their captors - WT leaders and GB 2.0. And the JW's who are staying in and just faking it will continue to stay in and fake belief in the WT Society only because they don't want to lose family and friends who are also in captivity to the WT Society. It's a sad and vicious cycle of abuse actually. None of the 7 million W's gain anything from staying in it- but WT leaders and money grubbing WT attorneys and corporate WT controllers stand to gain a lot. It's a criminal organization like I always say. Glad I'm out of it. Glad for the rest of us being out as well

  • LongHairGal


    Yes, we all see real extremism in the near future!

    It is hard to not come to this conclusion based on what is happening there lately. Probably the only ones that will be left in the JW religion when all is said and done will be the hard-core paranoid robots and needy dysfunctionals with their hands out.

    Glad I'm not there anymore that's all I can say.

  • OneEyedJoe

    While I love reading threads like this (especially since it all sounds so plausible) I sometimes wonder if it's not wishful thinking. When thinking about a grand collapse of the cult, I sometimes have the same feelings that I did when I was in and reading news stories and seeing everything through a lens of "we're in the last days" - looking for something to trigger the great tribulation or a cry of peace and security.

    So while I love the encouraging thought that something will trigger JWs to leave en masse (and maybe my wife/family/friends will be among them) I wonder go back and forth on whether I think it's likely to happen. On the one hand we're living in an unparalleled time due to the internet, on the other hand, I hate to fall into the same trap that is often derided here - how arrogant are we to believe the end will come in our lifetime?

    I guess 1914/25/75 show that a large decline at least has more precedent than armageddon coming, so there's a bright spot there.

    Anyway, ignore my random musings and get back to the ever-entertaining speculation on the decline of this cult!

  • joe134cd

    Donuthole- firstly I must commend you on your fine, thought provoking writing. I very much enjoy reading your threads. In some ways I sort of feel excited that I am living in such an important error of watchtower history, and with anticipation I am waiting to see how event unfold.

  • twice shy
    twice shy

    donuthole-Their gamebook in the past has been to float ideas out in talks and the literature to start prepping the religion prior to making the chanes.

    This is still their gamebook. They start prepping their minds about 8-6months before the new change will be presented and made policy. Ex. all the talks earlier ths year about being removed as an elder before the new power to the CO was given.

    Vidiot- by rebranding the WTS as an "e-religion" to make the loyalists think they're doing something new and exciting, whilst further hard-lining the Org's policies

    So, sad that they look at it from a one sided point of view: "Jehovah is speeding up the preaching work" instead of noticing that the whole entire world is moving into a new era.

    On a different note; your name wouldn't be short for the Village Idiot would it? LOL! Hilarious!

    one eyed joe- how arrogant are we to believe the end will come in our lifetime?

    It could happen. Who really knows, but we do know that "fairy tales can come true , it can happen to you

    If you're young at heart. For it's hard, you will find, to be narrow of mind

    If you're young at heart.

    You can go to extremes with impossible schemes.
    You can laugh when your dreams fall apart at the seams.
    And life gets more exciting with each passing day.
    And love is either in your heart, or on it's way.

    Don't you know that it's worth every treasure on earth
    To be young at heart.
    For as rich as you are, it's much better by far
    To be young at heart.

    And if you should survive to 105,
    Look at all you'll derive out of being alive!
    And here is the best part, you have a head start
    If you are among the very young at heart.

    Look at all you'll derive out of being alive!
    And here is the best part, you have a head start
    If you are among the very young at heart.

    Good thing my heart and mind are still healthy because I gave a huge portion of my youth to the WTBT$$$. Just don't move as fast as I did going door to door in the hot a$$$ sun.

    Keep hope alive

  • Justnowout

    The Branch is not "de-facto" owner of all halls, it is the owner in deed. Anytime a remodel is done or a new hall build on land previously owned by a local congregation, the Branch is added as co owner on the tittle. Also direction is given to the CO that during his visits he is to inspect the documents related to hall ownership and ensure the Branch is listed. This had been going on for some time and document on this site. In melano Park the hall was old and never remodled, this the branch wasnt added on the tittle and it sparked the controversy. Sans that, there would have been no discussion.

  • DesirousOfChange

    The Branch is not "de-facto" owner of all halls, it is the owner in deed. Anytime a remodel is done or a new hall build on land previously owned by a local congregation, the Branch is added as co owner on the title.

    That is what I have been told by elders who are trustees of the Kingdom Hall, but this has been debunked on another message on this board.


  • DesirousOfChange

    donuthole-Their gamebook in the past has been to float ideas out in talks and the literature to start prepping the religion prior to making the chanes.

    This is still their gamebook. They start prepping their minds about 8-6months before the new change will be presented and made policy. Ex. all the talks earlier ths year about being removed as an elder before the new power to the CO was given.

    I'm thinking their new gameplan is to visit this site to glean ideas.

    Think about it..............any thinking JW has left the building and has joined up here. The Writing Dept couldn't begin to come up with the explanations that I've read here. How many times have you "heard it hear first"?


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