What would be nice is to have the option to block people either from them PM'ing you or if you just don't want to see their posts or have any interaction what so ever. Like you can do on Facebook.
should there be a rule against posting PMs ?
by MissFit 24 Replies latest forum announcements
It seems like a PM could be quoted in the open forum as long as no identity is associated with it.
I'm embarrassed sometimes when personal emails are posted here from fathers and mothers who are pouring their (deceived) hearts out to their child. Begging them to come back into the fold. Ant the son/daughter posts it here, making a laughingstock for all out of their parents. cheap shot, shame on them, even if the names have been blacked out.
Band on the Run
I had the impression from long timers that such a rule existed for a long time. Yet another zone of privacy down the drain. Doesn't "private" have a meaning?
Not wishing to 'muddy the waters' but bear in mind that PM's are usually unsolicited. Just because someone sends me a 'private' message doesn't mean that I am bound over to keep their intolerance or bigotry a secret (or even less offensive but still disagreeable views).
Have you ever been sidelined by a colleague or neighbour who trys to include you in their racism or homophobia? Screw 'em!A message is private when BOTH parties agree to keep it so. If you're PM'ing a member for the first time I think it's only polite to ask first if a conversation can be kept private, then you can both proceed knowing full well where the lines of confidentiality lie.
Context: Is it just me or is JWN going through a nice phase at the moment?
Nic: thanks for your input. I can see where this could be a matter of "conscience".
I read the link and fyi I felt you were very tactful.
I think using someone's pm to embarrass them is definitely not cool.
Simon I just want to say I think you do a great job on this site.