An update on shunning (at the store).

by quellycatface 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    " you've struck a blow for basic human decency" Exactly, and what makes JW's think they should not act with basic human decency ?

    It is the cult propaganda they have swallowed.

    Jesus Christ demanded much more than "basic human decency" for his followers, which is the whole point of the Parable of the Good Samaritan.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christian.

  • Make Lemonade
    Make Lemonade

    quellycatface: What you have done with the managers in the supermarket is to open up a dialog about the fairness of shunning. Awarness is another word that appears whenever a "whistleblower" or "protestor" is trying to make a point. In addition, the concept of "Fairness" begins to be evaluated by the audience to whom the protest is directed. Your actions have brought up what you consider to be unfair actions to an audience that can do something about it. For those reasons I have to encourage you to keep up the good work.

    Let me try to encourage you even more with an experience. My son was disfellowshipped the same night I was. He took no nonsense from the "glorious ones" who needed their ego's left intake. My son spoke to them "without any approval for any of their nonsense". They had a choice; 1) Do the right thing or 2) Continue to be complicit with the wrongdoing. They chose badly and opted for choice 2. Now to the actual experience of my daughter in law. She works with several J.W.s . Around 6 or so people including a relative. Most of the time she works from home, but needs to go to the main office every so often. She is just an adorable person who everyone has to like. Well, just because her husband was announced as "no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses" her treatment at work changed. She was actually being hated and bullied by J.W.s at work. The unfairness reached a low point when her witness superviser threatened her with punishment because she was 5 miniutes late coming in. This statement had nothing to do with reality, it is easy to identify as harassment brought on by what happened to her husband. Let me explain further.

    As the events became noticeable to the owners of the company they approached my daughter in law. They could not understand the behavior they were seeing for themselves. Naturally, they took her aside and asked her to explain to them why her former "close friends" were now treating her so badly. She expained the situation with her husband. She explained the pressure this situation at work was causing her. Also, she informed them of the threat her J.W. supervisor made. The owners responded by specifically telling her that what her supervisor said is not true and she is not to worry about that.

    So, look what happened in your case and my daughter in laws. Shunning practices of witnesses have affecting business managers and owners. On an individual basis awareness of injustice has occured. Maybe even labor laws could be used to persue compensation from the injustice. Are these business people entitled to discipline their employes? My daughter in law is so sweet that the thought of taking legal actions has not even occured to her. I am proud of her to have the courage to make her story known to the owners of the company she works for. She has been rewarded by knowing the bullying will not be tolerated toward her. At work she now has a refuge from the unjust treatment from former friends and family. Remember, she is not even disfellowshipped.

    Now your experience and my daughters in laws experience have made a contribution to exposing the unchristian interpretation of disfellowshipping. I would say the vast majority of posters here would gladly make the public aware of this Watchtower madness. Perhaps the society will be best exposed by the death of a thousand cuts. People like you and my daugthter in law communicating with people when they can. We all can see that sometimes actions are rewarded. Doing nothing is not always the best solution.

    Thank you for your actions and sharing your experience.

  • steve2

    Locally, Witnesses who provide business and services for others are courteous and polite - even to disfellowshipped ones. It is simply unheard of for Witnesses to shun anyone in the context of business or providing services. I do think that some Witnesses go beyond what the organization says and adopt a harder line than is warranted - the organization treats this as a matter that is over to each individual's conscience, though.

  • sir82

    I did mention that these people may feel they have to resign their positions over this. The manager in question replied "that's tough but I don't want people like that working in my store."

    And those fired JWs will likely shout from the rooftops about how they are "perscuted for righteousness' sake" and how they "took a stand for Jehovah" and on and on and on.

    They will be local celebrities, and if the story can get sanitized enough, they will be interviewed at the next circuit assembly.

  • OneEyedJoe

    They will be local celebrities, and if the story can get sanitized enough, they will be interviewed at the next circuit assembly.

    That'll only happen if they end up getting a better paying job right afterwards. Oh how they love to end those experiences with "and that day I was offered a job that paid better and gave me more time off for meetings and service!"

  • Oubliette

    Nice, thanks for the update!

  • EndofMysteries

    Maybe one day there will be 'new light' on the correct understanding of the scriptures. Mainly, that shunning is only for one who 'professes to be a brother' yet is going against there teachings and those who are 'ex jw's' are to be treated as 'one among the nations'. In summary ex JW's aren't shunned, they are treated just like worldly people. You can talk, interact with them, etc, just not become best friends or too close, etc.

  • leaving_quietly

    In my local area it has always been the understanding among JW's that if you are in a business situation with a DFd person you could speak to them ,but just keep it about work .

    This is the understanding in general, not just in a local area. Unfortunately, individual JWs take it to a new level. Gee, I wonder why...?

  • quellycatface

    Make Lemonade, thank you for sharing that experience. Your daughter stuck her neck out and stood up for those who cannot always do it for themselves. I was lucky that some non-jw, non-churchgoers decided to stand up for me. It is given me courage. Hope you and your family are doing okay now.

    I also saw what disfellowshipping did for my own mother. She had 5 years of extreme lonlieness, drowned in alcohol and generally was a very bitter person. She then had a happy 10 years but got re-instated 14 years ago, she now is a difficult person to be around but has good spells.

    Sir 82, I am delighted to have been given the opportunity to inspire the next circuit assembly programme!!!

    Thank you so much for all your comments and encouragement.

    QCF xx

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Dear Quellly:

    Thanks for speaking up. I think J-dubs get the feeling that they can do ANY thing they feel like to the "outcasts"! and that they shall feel no consequence, that 'we' shall just 'suck it up' and 'take our whippings and our shame."


    Actually, this experienc shows who the nice, happy, loving people are, and exposes the WT robots carrying out injustice. Are the robots trained to follow Jesus in love, or the WT in "legalistic bullying"?

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