Just to point out that there is no difference between those who are in an organization or church and those who are not. It rains on us all. THe mistake some make is to think some people are more righteous than others. When the reality is we all mess up whether religious or not. Those in some religions and churhces have to stop putting themselves on the moral high ground. The fact is God makes no distinction between people whover we are. Trying to exalt yourself or an organization can only spell disaster becasue no one is perfect we have to admit we are born with imperfection and will mess up over and over agian.Thankfully becasue of what Christ did we are set free from condemnation and fear .In perfect love there isno fear or condemnation.This is where churches fall down presuming they are ok and everything is rosy.
There is no difference between people
by cassuk11 15 Replies latest jw friends
Indeed cassuk11.
For all are dysfunctional and fall short of the image and glory of God.
The gospel (as part of the the central message of scripture) especially says we are all equal:
by grace or unmerited favour
the free gifts of liberation, imputed righteousness, and imputed holiness
are available to any and all who would accept these generous terms
and abandon religious legalism, moralism, hypocrisy and self-righteousness.
new hope and happiness
True. I also think churches have often reflected the dominant values of the day, and fail tio take into account the values of the counterculture.
Personally i think this is very dangerose and leads to people being judged and persecuted by there sexuality, spirituality, race, culture ect. That a church can seperate humun beings from each other in this way is a very good reason to choose a place of worship with care.
There maybe no difference people but many people have to challenge the traditional values they were bought up in. So i can feel sorry for the indoctrinated child reachimg 18 and finding out his entire beliefe system was an illusion. That must be very vulnable, particulaly if to be trur to yourself requires seperating yourself from your family and social network.
Thats why its important people post in an honest open and friendly way the message " There is no difference between peoplr" . Our churches and our culture need that message.
great comment thanks . Yes the realization of the KIngdom within can only come when we are free form all those things which are stumbling blocks especially religious dogma and systems.
new hope and happiness
But people are not born equal.
Good post cassuk1,
We are all sinners. None are better, or worse than any other. Jesus said, "You could not be good if you wanted to." That is an all telling statement. Will all people have life? I don’t think so. The Bible speaks about those God will destroy. The scriptures also says, "Those who believe in Jesus will have life." So it seems to me, those who do not believe in Jesus won’t. Here is a scripture I keep close; John 6:44. "No one can go to Jesus, unless the father has sent him." Over many years I have looked at religions. Those that teach what the Bible does not back up, I have marked as false. After all these years, I have yet to find a religion that is not false. That is not to say the people in those religions do not believe in God, nor that they will not be given life…after all, God has not posted a list of who will, or will not be given life.
I stand by the promise, believe in Jesus, and you will be given life. Simple requirement. I will admit, believing in God the Father, his son Jesus, and not having the support of others, (a religion) is not easy…but it’s better than being part of a false religion, or cult.
new hope and happiness
I like the idea of not belonging to an organisation.
There is no difference between people
I beg to differ.
Over half of the population sits when they pee.
Rub a Dub
I like cruising Barna surveys, which make it clear that self-professed evangelicals live the same as their "worldly" contemporaries.
It makes one wonder, what difference does a profession of faith make?