FInd out for your self . Noone can show you unless you want to find it
The Truth is Within You
by cassuk11 34 Replies latest watchtower bible
new hope and happiness
Cassack: seriously i do admire the way you tell the truth about yourself, and about the way you see the world. That is an admirable thing to do.I hope you respect many here sincerly find your world hilariouse, but you are brave enough to express. Maybe you are not right about everything, i mean to be 100% right is being fanatic.
I am sure you desire to correct our vision is sincere but starting 4 topics in one hour comes across a bit fanatic.
new hope and happiness
Yes you can take but we can't.
I think the truth is we live in a world where good people are murderd in their prime, trillions of pounds are spent on weapons that should be spent on feeding and clothing the poor of the world, and i could woffle on foe ever. But my point is that is the " truth within us and around us"
Now where is that lovable little chicken,Oh yes roasting in my oven. Well at least its in the oven and i am not cooking it in winter in a cave 200 years ago. Sorry i am not attacking your vision, i just dont see it.
Cassuk11 should open his own website for his preaching.
Maybe he should go door-to-door.
Next will be counting his time.
Cassuk11 should open his own website for his preaching-Doc
He has a youtube, I listned to one of his sermans. I gave a review if you're interested on this thread. Kate xx