I quit smoking!

by 4christ 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • 4christ

    Hi everyone. I have smoked cigarettes since I was 12 years old, a pack a day for 16 years. I have not had a cigarette since Friday night and it is Monday! I did it! I am craving a smoke but i am not going to have one because I DON"T SMOKE ANYMORE! My husband and me quit together and he is so strong, I dont know if i would have been able to do it without him.
    I don't like cigarettes anymore!!!!!! Yuck. Even though i am craving one right now.......... okay, craving passed! hooray!
    Okay, I have stopped smoking, now i just have to...stay stopped! I know i will, I already feel better and dinner tasted great last night! It was just stuffed bell peppers but the flavor was really intense! I am happy even though i feel like i am on Pluto with withdrawls!
    peace to all-Lauren

  • Celia


    The next 3 or 4 weeks won't be easy, but the effort is sure worth it.

  • Mimilly

    This is cause for celebration!! My heart loves this kind of news. My mom smoked for 25 years before she quit. She was on a resperator twice until the doc told her that very soon, no mask, inhaler or pill would help her. She quit cold turkey and hasn't smoked since.

    Way to go! Keep us posted. I'm definitely a cheerleader in your midst :)


  • ballistic

    Well done, I'm 4 months on Wednesday. I'll see if I can bring up my old thread with all the hints and so on.

  • outnfree


    to Ballistic (four months, wow!!! there's no turning back now!!!) and to Lauren!!!

    It's been almost 13 yrs. for me, and I, too, stopped cold turkey. You will thank yourself for it one day.

    Long life to you both and to Lauren's husband, too!


  • Nikita

    Congratulations Lauren!!!!


    "I think you ought to like what you do. Because there's a reasonably
    good chance no one else is going to."
    Rich Mullins

  • 4christ

    Thank you so much for celebrating with me! I had a major craving in the car earlier. I have eaten so much cauliflower in the last couple days, i might turn into one!
    My mother in law has been diagnosed with emphysema and she is still smoking. I think that was really the last straw with us. That and all the other reasons!
    congratulations on 4 months, ballistic! That is so cool. No going back now, right? I feel that way and its only been 2 whole days this is the third. When i am thinking of having one , i think how i dont want to go through the last couple days again! I would love to read your quitting thread! I will look for it. I have been eating lots of veggies and hard candies. The first day i put a patch on for awhile and it did help with the cravings but then I took it off because i want the nicotine OUT of my system!
    I am happy! I wasnt sure i had the willpower to do it, i have tried before but gave up after a few hours.
    Thanks again for the kind words!

  • lisaBObeesa

    It has been a long time since I posted, but I wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS on quitting to you all and say that I, too, have quit and am on day 7!!!! My husband is on day 15 and there is no stopping us now!! It is great to quit together...he really helps me out, so I know what you are saying about that, Lauren!

    congrats, congrats to us all!!

    -Happy ex-smoker(I love saying that),

  • Soledad

    Im sorry I may seem ignorant, but what are the veggies and hard candies for? Are there some properties in these that decrease your desire to smoke?

  • simplesally

    Well, at least thats one thing JWs did for me, I quit smoking over 10 years ago now.

    Only I quit for them, not me.....now I crave them again. But I need to stay smoke free for my child and thats for me!!!

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