I would counter with the Jesus theme like was stated above, the apostles were all about Jesus and only Jesus. The message in the NT. Was all a out Jesus he is the way the truth Nd the light and no one can get to god except through him. The good news of the kingdom was Christ died and was resurrected showing that we too can be resurrected 1corth 15 . Ask her why their message of the good news is different. As for the name of god most bible reading the prayer Jesus makes says holy is gods name not sanctified. No one in their right mind goes around calling god by his first name that's very disrespectful even Moses when ask what gods name was was told I am what I am, not a first name. Ask her if she called her dad by his first name. And if she pulls out the quote in Romans where their bible says everyone calling on gods named will be saved, tell her that this is a incorrect verse for all the chapters in and around that chapter including that chapter I think it 10 are all talking about Jesus. And that they have no way of knowing if Paul was quoting Joel or not. Again like what was stated above its all about Jesus now.
What did Jesus really mean, when he said he had made his Father's name known?
by Faithful Witness 42 Replies latest watchtower bible
Faithful Witness,
First of all, thank you for bringing your experiences to our attention. I sincerely enjoyed reading the link you provided on the Bible teach book they use. I have also thought a lot about the same thing you are addressing here. To me, I believe the answer comes down to the meaning of Yeshua. "YHWH is salvation". I think the verses that Wannabefree brought up above demonstrate the importance of the meaning of Yeshua's name. So, I see Jesus making his Father's name known being done through the meaning of his name and his sacrifice. Try re-reading Wannabefree's verses in that context.
Designs, you bring up an excellent point. The difference is that people who use the name Jesus do not boast in this reference to declare themselves the one true religion.
I think the basic problem here is that you are looking for evidence against something, but for the most part what we have on our hands is a lack of evidence for something -- the case that Miss K is making for the use of YHWH. The burden of proof is absolutely on her to show you where it's recorded that Jesus ever uttered the divine name. And if he did, where is the account of the resulting shock among the commoners, the Pharisees and/or the scribes that this would cause?
I have to say, snowbird's point is new to me but seems remarkably straightforward: Jesus preached 99.9% of the time to Jews; well, they already knew God's name! It's true that they may have lost the pronunciation among the common people by then, but where does Jesus ever say, "Now repeat after me while I teach you how to pronounce the Tetragrammaton"? The answer is "nowhere".
Even if we get past the twisted mispronunciation they use for God's name, can anyone show me where Jesus told the disciples to call on God by any name other than JESUS?
A Jewish Professor and translator named Nehemia Gordon started translating some ancient New Testament documents
which were normally ignored by his Jewish peers. Yes ... the New Testament!
I think he would be the best person to answer your question.
The cool thing is that it is NOT a Jehovah's Witness opinion, it is a Jewish man's conviction!
You would have to watch his video interview to understand my recommendation:
He calls the lack of attention to the pronunciation of God's name the; "Conspiracy of Silence".
Stop in the NAME of the law !
Jesus reveals the NAME of GOD as the authority, and charachter of God, and actively shares the nature of God in us, so God will be ALL in ALL. 2 peter 1:4
JW GoneBad
That is a good list of scriptures wannabefree!
Doug Mason
Yes, to Jews "name" meant the person, it was not a handle. Hence the need to change a person's name (examples: Israel, Peter, and Paul).
The name "Jesus" is a Latinisation for Yeshua which in English is "Joshua". Remember that the letter "J" was likely the last letter to make it into the English alphabet. Hebrew writing reads from right to left, so that looking at the tetragram it phyically appears as: HWHY.
Have a look at Acts to see whose "name" they preached in: "the 'name' of (Jesus) Christ".
The WTS uses the "name" as a means to keep their sheep from wandering. Does anyone really think that a god would destroy people because they don't use the correct word (whether Yahweh or whatever)? Is God so petulant and childish? Will he burn people because they think his/her name is Allah or Zeus?
The context of John 17:26 is love, so I think making God's name known meant Jesus showing love to his disciples.
The WT's literal interpretation seems strange to me, given that nowhere in his prayer in John 17 does Jesus address God as "Jehovah" or actually use the name "Jehovah," not even in the NWT.
Doug Mason
I always find it interesting that the WT's HQ is named after the god EL: "Bethel" literally means the house of El.
Doug;...quite right!..original hebrew psalm 89.6:...who among the sons of EL..is like yahweh.
The top dog Canaanite god El had sub gods even godesses, one of whom was yahweh.
The Israelites liked the attributes associated with this sub god and decided to make him their only god.
Hence the use of Elyon(god most high)came to be seen as yahweh , but in truth it was really a hijacking of the canaanite god El.
Many passages in the O.T. show that polytheism was not totally eradicated in the early Israelite culture.
Best wishes