Ultimately the real problem here is the concept of "sin", as defined by a group of extremist people. There's no sense trying to reason with someone who believes that you're living in sin; how do you convince them that you're not sinful? It's impossible. If your mother has this kind of high and mighty attitude, you're better off returning the shunning, and focusing on healthy relationships with healthy people.
Biblical verses my JW mom gave me for shunning
by bsand20 23 Replies latest jw friends
Here is the context panthers
1 Cor 5:9-13
In my letter I wrote you to stop keeping company* with sexually immoral people,* 10 not meaning entirely with the sexually immoral people* of this world+ or the greedy people or extortioners or idolaters. Otherwise, you would actually have to get out of the world.+ 11 But now I am writing you to stop keeping company*+ with anyone called a brother who is sexually immoral* or a greedy person+ or an idolater or a reviler* or a drunkard+ or an extortioner,+ not even eating with such a man. 12 For what do I have to do with judging those outside? Do you not judge those inside, 13 while God judges those outside?+“Remove the wicked person from among yourselves.”+
Imagine that this did mean to never again speak to these ones until they had repented and waited a year or more for forgiveness from a judicial comittee and then couldn't comment or handle microphones for another few months. Even if the transgression was uncoverred by confession. which it doesn't, but imagine it did. Where can the scripture for disfellowshipping ones for asking questions about constantly changing doctrine be found?
what a crock! you are living your life on a book written by generations of sheep herding men.... why give it any credence?
The law condemned stoning. When the Pharisees were about to stone someone, Jesus said sure......the one without sin, you cast the stone. They all put down their stones and left.
Why if Jesus was UNDER THE LAW, since he had not yet died, did he convince them not to carry this out? Beyond being a problem for those who take the bible literally, it shows Jesus thought more of people that just following the law.
OVER AND OVER, Jesus circumvented the law for the sake of human interaction. Nobody knows how many of these people that Jesus touched with one action or another actually converted. The bible is silent on most. How about the woman who touched him who was unclean because of her medical condition (IE period)? He allowed it.
And as before stated, he ate with the tax collectors and sinners. "Those ailing need a physician", he said.
1 Corinthians is taken largely out of context, and even in its most strict meaning cannot be meant by the God of the bible or Jesus to apply to a 15 year old girl who changes her mind about her religion.
It does so much harm. Its classic example of straining the gnat and gulping the camel.