If it can be proved that someone has been brainwashed,conditioned mentally,pychologically,emotionally and spiritually can a person successfully sue an individual or organization. After all it is a form of abuse
Can You Sue an Organisation ?
by cassuk11 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
If it can be proved that someone has been brainwashed,conditioned mentally,pychologically,emotionally and spiritually....
There is a fair amount of debate over whether "Brainwashing" is actually real. Many of us intuitively feel that it is, but try proving it....
So I would say that the answer to your question is a resounding, "No."
You can sue who you like, individual or Corporation. The problem is you have to prove actual "Loss", and you can only sue for the value of that loss.
Could you prove your loss, and put a value on it , that a Court would accept ?
So if you were thinking of taking on the W.T who will hide behind religious privilege, and have the in-house Lawyers, and endless funds to employ others to get them off even a small potential hook, I would say forget it.
Try to do to somebody what this corporation has done to you and see what happens.
They have a very strong backing otherwise they wouldn't get away with half the scamming, lying, manipulating, stalking, bullying, harassing and interfering in people's private lives.
Not to mention using brain washing techniques, coercion to get confessions about things that are none of their business, discrimination towards women, slandering the good name of former members that see them for what they are, imposing others to isolate people just because the organization says so under the threat of being the one isolated from the group, promoting simple-mindness and punishing any demonstration of intelligence, breaking relationships with their policies of nose-sticking, etc, etc...
The 1st ammendment gets rite in your way.
The first amendement is used as an excuse to violate the human rights of millions of people, but only if you are a religion, which is kind of telling.
Pornography has nothing to do with free speech, it is an attack on all women's rights as it affects how they are viewed and how they are treated, and it wouldn't be tolerated if it was used to denigrate any other collective like blacks, jews, etc.
America is NOT a free country and it is exporting its (lack of) culture to the rest of the world by different means, one of them under the guise of free speech, which they do not practice with things that are politically incorrect like examining the link between capitalism and communism, and the similarities between the so called cold war and the war on terror as an excuse to continue controlling society.
If only the First Amendment had included the Right to be Free From Religion.
You can use tort law, or common law. You as the complainant, must prove damage. Corporations are a legal entity so they can be sued.
I'll give an example of a failed complaint from my son's history. He spent one horrible night as a homeless person. First he was kicked around by transit police and told to move on. The next day he was holed up outside a grocery store waiting for it to open so he could get some cash out. The police were called and after they deemed him evasive, roughly arrested him and caused more bruising. Their trespassing charge and the consequent resisting arrest charge was thrown out, because he did have a legitimate reason for being there.
When my son registered a complaint with the police service, the file was closed because there was no way to determine which injuries were caused by the transit police, and which by the police service.
SO why cant anidividual suea government for say for example being bombed by another country and your family were wiped out. You suffer the rest of you rlife through tha tprocess in which you may have had nothing to do with
Becouse it's not the Goverments fault that another country bombed you.