So here's a real life experience you will get a kick out of.
Our KH has about 90 publishers. Typical meeting attendance during a CO visit is right at 100 or so. The rest of the time, attendance is a dismal 50-60, sometimes 70 on a good week!
Our KH is smaller, but has 180 seats (I counted).
So here's the dilemma.... on your average weeknight meeting, only about a 1/3 of the seats are filled, and it looks pretty pathetic. Several comments were made as to maybe the elders should change something, or liven things up a bit so that there might be a few more that could be "persuaded" to attend. We had a couple of really lame Local Needs talks on meeting attendance, but it does NO GOOD if the ones that need to hear it AREN'T THERE! DUH!
So we go to meeting the other day, and sit down, and my dear wife goes to put her bag down, and the row in front of us is literally like 3 feet away!
She says "whats with this? why are the seats so far apart now?" (We have moveable chairs, not the hard theater-type seating).
I pointed to the stack of chairs in the second school, hiding behind the door in the dark corner...... "because they had the bright idea to remove 3 rows of seats, spread the rest out, so that the KH would look LESS EMPTY!"
There you have it, the easy cure to poor attendance...... take out the empty chairs!!!
Take care,
Jack Harper, Tech49