Who Will the Circuit Overseers "Report" to Now???

by RubaDub 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWdaughter

    Villagegirl-it was the brand. It doesn't work with any pudding. I tried, trust me. Schwanns fudgesicles are somehow remnicent more than other brands of fudge pops. .. .

    I'm so glad I will never EVER have to go to one of those events that test ones will to live. They were excruciating and we were supposed to be so thrilled to be there. The only fun we ever had was the year Michael Jackson showed up with his entourage and frankly, that only lasted a few moments until the limo left and they were swept up by security and whisked away to whereever they keep celebrity JWs who are about to be DF'd.

  • TheOldHippie

    The COs will continue reporting to the ones they have always reported to - the branch.

    The DOs have never been someone to whom they have reported.

  • blondie

    What about substitute COs, local elders selected and trained by the CO?

    There seems to be less jws able to be COs let alone DOs.

    Circuits are decreasing........

    COs did always send their reports to the branch (service desk)

    COs and DOs in my past were more likely to veer off the headquarters path

  • committeechairman

    Specifically, the circuit overseers have always directly interfaced with the Service Department and a specific desk at the branch. For instance, in the United States each desk covers one or more states, such as the Texas desk or the Florida desk. Some states have two as I understand it. So I would imagine that the arrangement wouldn't change. The district overseers basically were overseeing Circuit Assemblies, doing workweeks with the circuit overseers (typically the week following a Circuit Assembly) and doing PQRs (Personnel Qualification Reports - a kind of Annual Performance Appraisal) on the circuit overseer and his wife (if married). Also, they had some oversight responsibility for the Regional Building Committees (which are also going away).

    I think (not sure) that the review/workweek function might be filled by "branch representatives" that just travel out from the branch. I doubt very seriously that the Governing Body will allow circuit overseers to float free without any kind of review. It may not be apparent but the more responsibility you have in the organization the more control you have to endure. You go from "high control" to "ultimate control". Things that you previously could not be counseled for sudden become fair game - you along with your family. It is hard to describe but if you understand how mid and upper echelon people functioned in the old USSR/Soviet Union then you have a fair idea of how it works in the mid to upper levels of the organization. Only in this case it is labeled "unity" and "loyalty". Better toe the party line or you'll find yourself discarded socially or worse removed/deleted and shunned - disfellowshipped without being disfellowshipped. I've seen it happen many times and I've watched it break men better than me.


  • sir82

    Things that you previously could not be counseled for sudden become fair game - you along with your family.

    This calls to mind something I saw when going over who in our congregation would be qualified for circuit or district assembly program parts, a while back.

    One of the questions on the WTS form had to do with the elders' adult children, living outside the home. If any were inactive or disfellowshipped, that counted against him.

    That was a real eye-opener.

  • Londo111


  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    In the words of Monty Python..."they are an autonomous collective." They will report to the ORG via the Service Department, but ultimately will be a stand alone unit that will allow for plausible deniability.

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