So, one hot beautiful (not a cloud in the sky) kind of summer day, there was an elder who decided to re shingle his house. This was on the book study day. He started early and got all the shingles off of the roof in time for the book study that night. Just to be clear, the roof was now bare plywood. About half way into the study he was real uncomfortable, i mean not paying much attention, constantly looking outside at the ever darkening sky, and just for your knowledge he was the conductor!
Within the time the study started to about half way in we had one of the worst rain storms our town has ever seen. The rain was coming down so hard the streets were literally rivers. Did he cut short the study? Nope. He continued on until the hour was up and then rushed over to his house and tried to nail tarps on his roof in the driving rain. As i ponder over this story today i am under the thought that Jehovah would understand cutting the meeting short so this brother could try and save any damage to his house.
The cost of his decision? 3 months of living in a hotel, most of the items in the house destroyed, and tons of electrical work needed to be redone. All this for about 1/2 hr of a book study. He is still much the same today. This was 10 years ago. As a side note many in our town had severe damage to their homes because of this storm.