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Jehovah's Witnesses: Hypocrisy on steroids
by Watchtower-Free 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I can't see that this kind of stunt does anyone any good.
I agree with baltar447. To me, they were all jerks. The guy with the camera can't even say "Jehovah's Witness". Anybody who says "Jehovah Witness" doesn't know enough about JWs or have enough intelligence to even have an opinion. His kind don't do the opposition any help. If he wants to help, he should dress better and carry himself in a dignified, respectful manner and attempt to appeal to reason (though that's difficult with JWs).
The JWs were jerks, too. They should have just left the guy alone as long as he wasn't hurting anybody or causing a distraction. I'm glad the old fart claiming some connection with the sheriff was shown to be wrong.
This is embarrassing on both sides. this guy needs to get a life. However I'm also happy to see the wannabe cop elders get shut down. They musr be frustrated to see that they have no real authority. They can only intimidate those in their congregation. I know a few elders like the black guy and the old fart. neither are spiritial men, but are usually self righteous jerks who revel in having power over others and giving orders. They have such fragile egos that they couldn't just ignore some loser with a camera and a ridiculous looking hat.
keyser soze
I can think of better things to do on a weekend than walk around a JW convention with a camera. This guy really needs to take up golf, or fishing.
Hey if this guy wants to do this, fine by me. I'm just glad to see a video where the "security" looks like a bunch of dorks. hehe.
That one "brother" who claims he is with the sheriff offifce but left his badge at home!?? That was pure gold. -
This is embarrassing on both sides. this guy needs to get a life. However I'm also happy to see the wannabe cop elders get shut down. They musr be frustrated to see that they have no real authority. They can only intimidate those in their congregation.
I don't think this kind of approach is beneficial, however I couldn't turn off the video until I saw the outcome of it all.
So true about "no real authority" and having only the ability to "intimidate those in their congregation".
Got to admit, it was kind of humorous.
I think the Elders are not used to people questioning their authority.
They didnt quite know what to do when they were defied.
The best tactic would have been to ignore the guy. He got what he wanted and he made his point. Those Brothers had no power or authority over him.
That alone made the video worth watching.
If a person comes on to private property like a church and starts disrupting the services being conducted or being disruptive to the people attending,
the people at the church have ever right to call the police and have him removed as creating a public disturbance.
If your going to attend a JW assembly, your best to stay on public land like a side walk, talk and hold placards there
and talk to people who will listen but keep some form of respect to the people attending and of yourself.
JWs used to target churches, stand outside and wait for services to dismiss, and protest with signs that read "Religion Is A Snare and A Racket".
I didn't see this man doing any that. He was just walking around quietly with a video camera. Incidentally, this occured during a lunch break, not during "church services".
Even if he was holding provocative signs and shouting, my initial thought is: what goes around comes around. WT did worse than this for years- they should be more tolerant when others take advantage of the civil rights and "religious freedoms" WT brags it has gained for everyone through the courts (in reality, we know those 'freedoms' were only for WT's advantage- they don't now, nor ever have, given a flying f**k about a non-JWs religious freedoms).
JWs used to be (and in some ways still are) the most in-your-face, invade-other-people's-privacy, 'take the fight to the people' religions that exists. It's astonishing how intolerant JWs are when others do anything similar to what they do.