Article: To save trauma victims, doctors may swap blood with cold water till patients die

by AndersonsInfo 17 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    If this becomes an established ER protocol, I bet they'll cobble together some version of a dialysis machine, except it won't actually be doing any dialysis, it'll just be "circulating" the blood. And, lo and behold, this new machine will take about an hour before the highly diluted blood starts making its way back into the JW's body.

    Hey, if it helps save some otherwise death-sentenced JWs, I'm all for it.


  • skeeter1

    Science is advancing, and the doctors must feel confident that they can do this. But, it is a pure experiment. Why isn't the Armed Forces doing this on soldiers, first, rather than subject the general population?

    I wonder how many of the gunshot wound victims are inner city people. Where's the exact waiver that the person signs? i don't see how a mass notice in newspapers and advertising can take away one's right to informative choice of a medical procedure that is this experimental and potentially dangerous. I think too much could go wrong, and too much is unknown. Without individualized informed consent, this can be viewed as doctors preying on the poor. I can see the tort attorneys making a killing on this, even if there is only a "little" brain/nerve/kidney/heart/organ damage.

    Another angle. Would the WTS allow JW doctors/nurses to, basically, kill the patient? Is that murder? There's a possibility that the person will be revived, but it isn't 100%. Is it suicide for a follower to subject themselves to it? It's different than going to sleep, it's a complete bloodletting. I would think JWs would be against this. Blood has to be returned to the ground, and not the body. If JWs can't save their own blood in advance of a surgery, how can they do this? Oh, I forgot, the WTS allows "current therapy" of one's own blood for medical tests. Call it "current therapy" and the JWs can then be bloodletted and have it all put back into them.

  • problemaddict

    Of course at some point.....when the person is "reanimated", they will need several pints of blood in their system.

    One of my favorite things is when JW's tell you that blood transfusions in trauma are more harmful that saline.


  • clarity

    Holy cow!!!!!!

  • Phizzy

    The next move for the W.T in dumping their murderous blood doctrine must surely be to get some Noo Lite that storage of a patients own blood and transfusing it when needed (Autologous transfusion)is not Biblically wrong.

    Acts and other books do not repeat the "pour it out on the ground" of the O.T, so they can claim that "Jehovah" no longer requires this.

  • donny

    The Society has already responded to this issue. Below in the 2014 update of Acts 15:28-30.

    For the holy spirit+ and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you except these necessary things: 29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols,+ from cold saline water,+ from what is strangled,*+ and from sexual immorality.*+ If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!”* .

  • besty

    @skeeter1 " Where's the exact waiver that the person signs?"

    difficult to sign a waiver when you are minutes away from bleeding out - this is in the first few sentences of the article.

    this technique will be used without advance permission on patients who are almost certainly dead with current conventional therapies.

    people in the area are being offered an opt-out bracelet.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Donny, GREAT MINDS think alike! See my post six clicks up from yours. WE are PROPHETS!!

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