I would be interested to know if the announcement came of an immenent nuclear war would you start praying or get drunk etc etc.
If a Nuclear War Was to Start would you start praying again
by cassuk11 79 Replies latest watchtower bible
i'd practise my duck and cover
James Brown
I never stopped praying.
I pray to God whoever and where ever he may be.
At the very least it organizes and consolodates my thoughts.
I would probably pray and get drunk.
You can survive a nuclear war. It all depends where the bombs go off.
James said:
You can survive a nuclear war. It all depends where the bombs go off.
This site has some interesting smoke graphics for several nuclear war scenarios:
Indo-Pakistani war with 100 detonations.
If a nuclear war starts, would that not indicate god has already failed mankind?* So why pray?
* ignoring, of course, the already abundant evidence that failure has occured on a massive scale (if god actually existed). If he/it hasn't cared up til now, a nuclear war will make little difference in god's willingness to answer any prayers.
James Brown
The bible says everyone owes God one death.
...and God can intervene like He did in Haiti during the earthquakes? Or in Indonesia with the tsunami?
I would rather do something useful.
nancy drew
If there was a god who really cared about us why would he be waiting for me to beg for his help. Sorry human race you guys are going down because you didn't beg for my help to my satisfaction.
Witness My Fury
Prayer doesnt work. Any that seem to are just random coinidence. 100s of millions of prayers are offered each day, the success rate supports the conclusion that it is nothing more than a placebo.
Captain Obvious
And what exactly would talkjng in my head to a figment of YOUR imagination accomplish? Even if Gawd were real, he wouldn't do anything about it.
What is it with you religious folks? Many seem to think that atheists are just that way because they don't want to answer to anybody. When we're in trouble we'd jump right on the delusional bandwagon. I can assure you that's not the case.
I have better things to do Thanks.