Jesus, of the Gospels, is simply another person in a long line of religious hucksters. He threatens humans, men women children, with damnation if they don't genuflect to his whims.
That is propaganda, manipulation, and coercion at its worst.
by Fernando 45 Replies latest watchtower bible
Jesus, of the Gospels, is simply another person in a long line of religious hucksters. He threatens humans, men women children, with damnation if they don't genuflect to his whims.
That is propaganda, manipulation, and coercion at its worst.
The Gospel is toreconcile thewhole world backto God there is no hellfirebecause Messiah opened those gates at the cross so all can enter in and i dont mean kingdom halls i mean enter into Christ. Muslims love Christ also he is in the Koran more than what Mohammed is. They just dotn understand what he acheived at the cross
Reconcile from what.
What about men telling you what God has done. ;)
Even Jefferson Bethke attends a church.
Jesus reconciles humans from Fusion?
opposite to fusion .Youa re compressed energy andfusiontake splace when the energy is released or when the body dies
....and Jesus does what for this
The Almighty Father has clearly expressed his plans for us through out the entire bible. From 12 tribes of Israel to Christianity. The gospel accounts are evidence of Jesus Christ sayings and miracles. Religion - Christanity was born out of ones following Jesus Christ sayings and salvation and believing in him.
Although, I do not worship weekly in a Christian sect what I noticed: most people go to be around others who believe in the salvation of Jesus Christ.They gather themselves together. They pray for others, and they donate their money: to feed the poor, help the widows, and fatherless.They sing songs and raise their voices for God to hear. There are more to churches then controlling men through doctrines. The doctrines are rules to follow and are short. Mainly to love one another.
Now cult churches like JW are not praying for others unless it is just the cult. They are not donating money: to feed the poor,helping the widows,and fatherless. Cults are too busy spreading propaganda and have too many rules. They are trying to control mens minds with propaganda.
I do not see too many churches with weekly magazines that one must obey!
LOL, what Jesus taught while he was alive- what actually attracted people to him- has nothing to do with the religion that was created after his death. Obviously, Jesus didn't say 'follow me because after I'm dead it will all make sense', but he had his own teaching- which has been obscured by the writers of the Gospels after Jesus died. So you can't follow Jesus- you're 2,000 years too late.
How could anyone possibly know that? If what Jesus taught was distorted by the Gospel writers, what other source do you have to assert that he originally taught something else?