Its been a long time since I have been this enraged at the evilness and shameless exploitation by the jws. I just got back from the meeting (dont ask) and sat through the km article laying out plans to mass convert nursing homes all over the world. I am not going to labor the obvious ethical travesty of this plan but I will say that it constitutes a major public health risk. The response to this attack must be swift and just as massive in scope as the jws are mounting. I know this is the wrong site to go on to find people who want to leave their homes or lift a finger over anything but we need to organize, alert thepress contact our congressmen... We cant let this happen. YOU have a moral obligation to do something damnit! Lets move on this. I will be contacting nursing homes in Georgia tommorrow. I seriously have no faith in jwners to help but shit, I have to start somewhere.
watchtowers army assault on our vulnerable elderly in nursing homes
by friendaroonie 48 Replies latest jw friends
Whats not clear dad?
Please be more forthcoming about what you heard. You don't explain anything about what this mass converting is about. How can anyone do anything as you suggest if none of us has a clue to what you are referring to?
I just got back from the meeting (dont ask) and sat through the km article laying out plans to mass convert nursing homes all over the world.
Don't underestimate old people.
So visiting the elderly only just occured to them?
And they assume these old people have no religious opinions ?
Or that Nursing homes will allow some mass invasion
of Watchtower peddlers in the building ?
I know this is the wrong site to go on to find people who want to leave their homes or lift a finger over anything but we need to organize, alert thepress contact our congressmen..
Whoa , back up , we never leave our homes ? Excuse me ?
JW's are the ones who never go out and help people, as in charity work?
Feeding the hungry ? Volunteering at food banks and soup kitchens?
Community organizations ? See any JW's involved ?
Do see any JW Thrift Shops? Sports for kids ? Summer Camps?
Working at community centers as volunteers?
I have done all that, have you ? I bet lots here are into
all kinds of community activities and events that help people.
And many here are living busy involved lives.
And since when do you have a "congressman"
JW's do not even vote.
Oh come on. Did you hit the bottle when you got home?
You really think the key to Watchtower world dominiation is the recruitment of nursing home patients?
I'm sure it was just their usual tripe about witnessing anywhere and everywhere. What better place to drop off their 16 page tractzines than the local nursing home, as the old folks aren't going to have many conversation stoppers.
try to find the km on the org site.
they are planning to have GROUP studies in old people homes, but counsel difficult questions like 'Going to heaven vs, paradise eearth?' to be handled in PRIVATE settings. It is organanized to the point of who can count time for what,
" all publishers [plants] attending these old folks home GROUP studies can count time, but only the conductor can count the study.
Even qualified non-witness attendees can read the paragraphs, bible verses.
books suggested: My book of bible stories & bible teach.---really?
setting the stage to harvest all those estates.
state& provincial authorities should be alerted to this indoctrination scheme.
is this the same method used in prisons?
I don't think this is as bad as you make it sound. I know the stuff they are bringing to them is mostly bs. But those places have plenty of clergy giving the people their version of bs. They also pass the baskit. Most of these people are left alone waiting to die. Alot of their kids don't visit them. Some perhaps are just waiting to get theor inheritance. Even if you tell them a bunch of lies, if it makes them happy, and stimulates their minds, is their realy any harm.
Alot of these old folks are like children again. My mother is in a nurseing home. If you visit a childrens hospital, it's beyond sad. Some of these kids might not see their first day of school. Their parrents tell them what they choose. It might be something like don't worry honey you will be in heaven, and I will see you there. It tears your heart out. What would we tell these kids? Don't listen to your dad, heaven is bS. When you die you will never see anyone again. Let them belive a lie if it puts a smile on their face.
Life can be so very sad. I wish I could save those kids, and old folks too. I'm sure we all do. Just some thoughts of mine. venting.
I know what you mean- during the meeting I'm thinking are they really serious! In the kingdom ministry as an insert with 14 paragraphs!
We can look at it as a truly noble thing to help older people to the "truth" or they see potienal $$ leads.
I guess there is no giving them the benefit of doubt especially since the latest money grab huh!
swift and just as massive in scope as the jws are mounting.
You're kdding, right?
You think the typical JW is going to move "swiftly" into nursing homes with a fanatical look in his eye, tripping over himself with eagerness to conduct "group studies"?
90% of JWs have lost all interest in "preaching the good news". They want to get their 10 hours in (8 of which are spent riding around or sitting in Starbucks) and then go home to watch football.
"swift and massive" - {snort}
About as "swift and massive" as the typical city government's efforts to fill in last winter's potholes.