I have no degrees but a very large vocabulary. This I obtained from reading.
This board is one of the few places I indulge the full breadth of my language skills, which is very satisfying. I learned early to temper my language to my audience, or risk intimidating or annoying my listeners. It is awkward to stop and explain a word or a colloquialism. It breaks the flow.
People judge me all the time based on my language skills. I can't help but come across as intelligent. You know, because I .... am. This doesn't always help me. I am also ready to admit an error, which can either disarm my audience, or intimidate them further. You see, I am not afraid to expose my weaknesses. Fearless people are intimidating to the fearful.
Here's another thought, though I have not found the source. One survival technique is to have as many options as possible. Reduce your options, and you are limited in the directions you can go. Imagine a narrow path with only one exit. Get caught in there with a saber-toothed tiger, and you are toast. Education and knowledge open up greater options, and are therefore very useful to have.