James Brown : re your kind reply about money " band members make" in succesful groups.. Artimus was as Jonny would say " on the pay roll" a drummer . With the plane crash in 77 his money stopped until the reunion tour then he had problems with Rossington and was kicked out. Re mike he was a sound technition with the renunion band Ed left and they needed a guitaris. Rossington was crazy drunk at his home studio and asked Mike if he wanted to be in the band. Two nights after Mike rang Gary and asked if he was seriouse Gary said " Yea". So Mike was with the renunion band for two years on in todays terms 300,000 dollors a tour. Good money in my opinion. As the renunion Lynyrd Skynyrd took off Mike was kicked from the band and replaced by Hughie Thompson from the Outlaws or Ricky Medlocke from Blackfoot. Either way Skynyrd with Highie and Ricky were as near good as the origional band.
Gilbey Clarke was bought in to Guns and Roses because he was a sensible non drug guy and it was that reason. But things didnt work with him and Axel Rose so he was kicked out after two years. Gilbey's daddy was a doctor and i guess he was never what you call broke, he even had a reality T.V show with that drummnrt who was Pam Andersons girlfriend.
Anyway both Gary and Mike were people, people and very humble. And as Mike said to me " to make money in music you have too have your name down as the writter on a succesful song"