phats ...
If in doubt, have your credit card ready and dial the 800 number flashing at the bottom of the screen.
Rub a Dub
by minimus 55 Replies latest jw friends
phats ...
If in doubt, have your credit card ready and dial the 800 number flashing at the bottom of the screen.
Rub a Dub
why does saturday have to have a turd in the middle of it ?
Hay, bigmac,
In to every sunny day, some rain must fall.
Phats, good attitude!
Hay RuberDub (Three men in a tub.)
I'm rather slow. Please explain.
I hate it when people do not re rack their weights at the gym. I am the one lifting (6) 45lb weights off the squat rack so I can rep the bar. Its a small vent atleast - in general I am pretty upbeat :)
I banged my forehead really hard against a door last night. My neck and right shoulder hurt now. I'm tired of people, especially people who can never ever not even one stinking time keep their mouths shut. Negative people who can never keep a negative opinion to themselves. I'm tired of not being perfect, and of being gracious about criticism, and being reasonable and nice, dammit. Or at least, I'm tired of trying to appear reasonable and nice! See, I have to be reasonable about being unreasonable. Grrrrr. Would bang my head against a door, except, of course, that I already did that and it hurts!
I hate the fact that I've been on this board since 2002 but just barely have above 2500 posts.
But then again, I don't.
I can't make up my mind about anything. Ever.
cell phones, iphones, texting
Why is it that everytime I go out to dinner with friends and family, everyone is playing with their cell phone, texting or playing games on their iphone? Everyone has a cell phone in their hand and has a hard time putting it down while talking or eating.
I tell everyone to please put the phones away. I can't stand it when you're talking to someone and they are halfway listening and halfway playing with their phone. I have threatened friends and family that I will leave the table if they don't put the phones away.
One time I met my cousin's new husband. He sits down next to me. I try to make small talk to try to get to know him. The whole time he's playing with his iphone and hardly listening to anything I have to say. So, I decide to stop talking to him and walk away. Now when I see him I just say hello and walk away as far as I can from this rude person.
So true Rules, it's like everyone has been taken over by some unseen force, they are pod people. Now we all have the attention span of a gnat. I get it, I have a Kindle, it can be addicting, especially as I have ADHD, but come on, you are so plugged in you are letting your life pass you by, and for what? Candy Crush? People of Walmart? It's immediate gratification, while talking to actual human beings is too boring to bother with.