Are the Apathy 'Trolley Dollies' specially selected? Do they have a rota? Or is it the choice of the biggest bully on the BOE?
What is the Watchtower's(R) Objective with the APATHY TROLLEY(CART)?
by punkofnice 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They also may be planning for the day when door-to-door canvasing is too dangerous or is severely restricted.
They could use the Apathy Trolley as a sheild to hide behind.
Oops, I should have posted my new thread to this one! :/
I think it's about increasing their presence and becoming more noticeable.
Whatever the reason, it really looks like they're a century behind.
''And this good news of the kingdom will be apathetically pedalled in all the inhabited earth apart from those bits where the most holy GB will not recieve money to protect the paedophiles they so obviously sympathise with.''
"the choice of the biggest bully on the BOE?"
Phizzy - "Once again, in trying to solve a problem, the sheer drudgery of DtoD work, the WT have done their darndest to shoot themselves in the foot."
Couldn't have put it better myself.
I wonder if it stands a chance of pushing a few more fence-sitters out...
I think using the carts is a win win for the WTBT$ because as has been said, it costs them zilch, gives free advertizing to, and saves them printing costs. This method is much cheaper for the dub too. Imagine how much gas is saved not having to drive all over the place to witness and how much easier it becomes to pioneer.The WTBT$ biggest problem is retention. Let's face it- people like us are waking up and leaving. Their goal is to make the religion more palatable and doable in order to keep the breeders. They don't need old people, they're a drain. They don't need converts who usually are poor and often mental. They need OFFSPRING who stay in and reproduce. When I was still in I would have preferred the carts WAYYYYYYY more than d t d and would have been HONORED to be chosen to do it and gladly paid for one. Remember a happier Jdub is a more GENEROUS dub more willing to DONATE. (big fat win for WTBT$)
new hope and happiness
ive ben pondering this question since you raised the topic.
Theatre ...i mean the society likes members to make a spectacle of themselfs. But there has to be more, maybe its a religion that LIKES TO BE SEEN " playing the weaker hand?". i mean its so silly thinking these trollys accomplish anything but whats the opposite, the INTERNET, TELVISION....come on that would make the publishers redundant.
maybe its a religion that LIKES TO BE SEEN " playing the weaker hand?".
Hence their obsession with persecution?
INTERNET, TELVISION....come on that would make the publishers redundant.
...and if they did use internet and TV their doctrines would be seen for the weirdness they are, no onw would watch it and how boring it would be.
As for the tinternet they just sit on the net in one spot and do's the R&F that put nauseating stuff on youtube et al. Their blogs are nauseating and anyone questioning is deleted.
Deffo a cult!