Thanks Quotes for that perspective on what a skeptic is. My take on “skeptic” had to do with the first post on this thread listing a web site. The approach of that site is anything but a logical approach. Your definition seems honorable.
But is it? My experience with skeptics, cynics, and atheist is that there thinking is flawed from the very beginning in that they will not acknowledge that there is even a possibility for divine guidance, miracles or revelation. Seeker4 seems to be in this boat; as quoted;
Oh yes. When things just don't make sense you resort to the old "shazamm" argument. That is: "God is all powerful and he did it by a miracle."This is not an honest approach to truth.
Your quote said “creationism has been tested an failed. If creationism is being tested with the assumption there is no divine guidance, well of course it will fail. But if there is divine guidance ( which I believe there is) and your test does not take it into account then your test is faulty, not creationism.
There is only two options, creation or evolution. There is no evidence for evolution (only assumptions) but plenty for creation. Anyways this is another subject we can get in to more depth later.
Concerning Genocide; I will need a little more time to do this subject justice and will post a new thread dealing with your references.
Detective; yes I am aware the bible is an anthology. This is one of the reasons we know the bible to be divine in origin. Just think about it. The bible is a book written by over 40 people over a period of 4000 years on three different continents. But yet the theme all the way through is consistent, Gods plan of redemption for sinful man. There is no way mere man could have pulled it off, it has to de divine in origin. Yes there is different perspectives, but the message is all the same.
Seeker4; But is does make since. I believe that God created the earth in 6 literal days (whole other subject that I would be glad to talk about later), I believe God is all powerful, and in that context he can certainly become a man or guide animals to a boat. To not allow for even the possibility of a divine creator shows that your thinking is faulty. TO know that there is no divine creator you would have to know all that there is to know. But since you and all of mankind posses very little of all the knowledge that is available in the universe, it is possible that there is an all powerful God. If your thinking and reasoning is to be fair and honest you have to take this into account. Just because you have not met Him and know Him personally does not mean He does not exists.
May God bless you with wisdom to find Him.