Thank you SD7! It is always nice to be spiritually fed on Saturday morning.
The Beast-Tower #11: God's View of Trolling
by sd-7 20 Replies latest jw friends
7. However, as we look forward to trolling's end, there is much to be gained from examining the modern history of trolling as it pertains to the early days of Jehovah's organization. In 1919, Joseph F. Rutherford, who was taking the lead in the organization at the time, had just dealt with considerable amounts of trolling by Christendom's clergy. Both he and others taking the lead in the preaching work had been imprisoned under false charges of sedition, no doubt at the urging of Christendom's religious leaders. Trolling indeed! However, in due time, they were cleared of all wrongdoing, and set out on a campaign to let the world know of Christendom's trolling. Thus a great witness was given. Guttenberg, who was involved in the preaching work in the early 1920s, wrote of his experiences: "We received stiff opposition from [trolls] of that time, but we stood firm, knowing that the Lord [Jehovah] was on our side."
7. How were leading members of Jehovah's organization trolled by Christendom, and how did this lead to a great witness being given?
SD7, you are a genius.
8. Babylon the Great--the world empire of false religion, led by Christendom and its trolling clergy class--has often trolled Jehovah's people. Thankfully, one of the first steps Jehovah will take in ridding the world of trolling will be to effectively 'ban' Babylon the Great from its trolling activities, culminating in its destruction by the worldly governmental authorities. Yes, the Great Moderator will fulfill his word and destroy Babylon the Great--the mother of all trolls! This will be a great tribulation indeed for trolls everywhere.
8. What is Babylon the Great, and what will Jehovah soon do about "the mother of all trolls"?
Great job.
What is Truth?
LOL Awesome sd-7
9. But Babylon the Great is not alone in trolling Jehovah's people. The rulers of the nations, having put themselves in an elevated place in opposition to Jehovah's sovereignty, have also trolled Jehovah's Witnesses in modern times. Bans, persecution, imprisonment, yes, sometimes even death--all of these have been forms of trolling that the worldly governments have used in an effort to silence the preaching work that Christ commanded us to do. (Matt. 24:14) Are we not thankful that Jehovah's organization has fully equipped us to defend our faith against trolls? (Matt. 10:18; 1 Pet. 3:15) Although Jehovah has not yet removed the governments that are now under Satan's trollic control, he has thankfully given us many tools through the faithful and discreet slave to bolster our faith in these perilous last days. Can you think of any such tools that have helped you face persecution?
9. Besides Babylon the Great, what other forces have trolled Jehovah's people, and why can we nonetheless be thankful in the face of opposition?
10. Young ones, for example, are often trolled by worldly classmates while attending school. The slave class has lovingly provided our younger and more inexperienced ones with important publications filled with Bible-based guidance and wisdom. Young ones, are you taking full advantage of books like Questions Young People Ask--Answers That Work, Volumes 1 and 2? What about the excellent video drama The Prodigal Returns, which highlights the sad consequences of pursuing worldly goals and choosing bad association? Parents--do you regularly use these strengthening aids with your children, inculcating God's Word deep into their minds and hearts? You and your young ones will reap fine rewards if you do.--Deut. 6:6, 7.
10. What tools has the faithful slave provided to help our young ones resist trolls, and how have you used them in your Family Worship?