big accident at Warwick construction site

by oppostate 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oppostate

    The WT Society is fond of using the tilt-up method of construction where a network of rebar is made on the ground, concrete poured on it and allowed to cure, then the whole thing is tilted up and voila' you've got yourself a massive big-ass wall ready made. These walls for several stories-high buildings are indeed massive and weighty so you need a heavy-duty crane to raise into position.

    I just heard from an eye-witness LDC volunteer that while there a few weeks ago they had an enormous accident. The crane tilted and crashed, the only one hurt was its operator. It seems that the ground hadn't been properly packed/rolled down and when they'd moved the crane to the new spot and started to move and raise the newly cured massive wall, the ground underneath shifted because of all the weight and the crane tilted and fell sending the new wall crashing back to the ground.

  • oppostate
    I wonder who owns the broken crane and if the operator has insurance. What a tragic realization that volunteers can cost you more than you bargained for.
  • OrphanCrow

    Oh no. I read the title with a sick stomach. Accidents like that bring up terrible memories for me.

    Construction site accidents are terrible - my dad was a site supervisor for large jobs like hospitals and schools, etc. It was horrible whenever he lost a man on the site or someone was injured. Horrible.

    I am glad to hear no lives were lost. I hope whoever is in charge of the site starts to pay attention to the proper jobsite procedures and quit being so damned lazy as to cut critical corners. Smarten up, Warwick.

  • stuckinarut2

    Wait!...hang on..... SO, Jehovah can answer some guys prayer to find a building site leak on a non witness project (as shown in last months broadcast) BUT he cant prevent the crane from falling at Bethel???

    Yup, Jehovah gets asked millions of times each day for "guidance and protection", as he would have been that very MORNING at the construction site breakfast, BUT HE WASNT LISTENING??

    Or, was the crane operator actually a secret sinning apostate who didn't deserve God's protection??

    Or will this provide an opportunity for a GREAT witness to be given by the brother while in hospital as he hands out tracts to the nurses who keep him alive? (without blood of course)

  • stuckinarut2
  • oppostate
    With so many facebook posted photos by volunteer workers, maybe there are pictures of the crane disaster.
  • Oubliette

    Well, it's too bad someone was hurt, but it proves they are just like any other group: accidents happen.

    Actually, I take that back: They are NOT like any other group!

    On commercial work sites the contractors have to have insurance to cover events like this. Although I don't know the details about Warwick, I do know of several RBC/KH accidents where the individual that was hurt had to rely on their own insurance.

    The modus operandi of the WTBTS is to take, take, take and never give.

    Let's review: It's a cult!

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    Humans cause so many mistakes, through ignorance, carelessness or outright bad decisions.

    I was working on a tilt-up 20 years ago in British Columbia. The whole perimeter wall was about 40 panels. The crane was booked for 3 days. Usually a small plastic tip is visible at the lifting point, a carpenter takes a hammer and bar and exposes it, removes the covering plastic from the lifting hook and then the connection to the lifting cables are completed. Some panels have only 4 lift points, some 6 and then 8, depending on the size of the panel. When we were preparing one of the panels we could not find the lifting points where the plan indicated. The concrete finishing had slightly covered the plastic indicators. After several minutes we eventually found only 4 lifting points. The panel was supposed to have 6.

    This is where the bad decisions came into play. The superintendent decided to go ahead with the lift anyway, without telling the crane operator. These were panels 30 feet long, 15 feet wide and weighing many tons. The crew guiding the panel knew the risks. Everyone knew the risks except the crane operator. Myself and another cautious carpenter decided to walk to the other side of the sight and hide behind a pile of lumber. Just imagine the effect of a slab of concrete that size falling down onto a slab, not to mention half a dozen men. It would crush anyone underneath flatter than a pancake and send bits of concrete debris exploding across the entire site. The lift was uneventful. The next day the superintendent approached me, knowing how absolutely p---ed off I was and tried to justify his actions, explaining that the lift was overbuilt in strength and there was no danger. I told him how happy I was that he had a degree in engineering. He got it.

    This is what should have happened. The crane operator should have been immediately informed, in which case he would refuse to make the lift. An engineer should have been called to the site to give us direction in adding additional lifting points. It would have taken an extra day, but no one would be at risk. No carpenters would risk death, no wives would have the risk of their husband being killed, and no kids would have had the risk of no father for the rest of their lives. Bad decisions for time and $$$$$$$.

    I don't know what happened in Warwick, but I hope it wasn't a bad decision by someone trying to 'speed up the work'. I think someone dropped the ball somewhere. Just saying.

  • jwleaks
  • oppostate

    I know first hand too how helpless you feel when in the middle of a big accident, time seems to slow down for that blinking of an eye, and you so wish you cold turn back the clock, to prevent that instant from happening, but all you have is that gut wrenching feeling of dread, and the reality of the aftermath.

    I hope the crane operator does sue for damages due to the negligence of not preparing the ground to receive all that weight.

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