I can't understand why the mute approach...is there some local ordinance?
In my area there is a large uni that allows different groups to set up a table with literature but they cannot approach individuals but only talk to them if they approach the table...that is only for the local uni. My husband has seen a couple of trolleys but they were manned/womaned by jws who know us quite well. We may take a observing location though this month and see how it goes taking camera with.
*** km 6/08 p. 4 par. 2 When a Householder Speaks Another Language ***
When doing street work or when witnessing informally, a publisher should feel free to approach anyone, including those who may speak another language, and offer literature in the language that the person prefers to read.
*** km 6/11 p. 2 par. 2 Street Witnessing That Is Effective ***
Take the Initiative: It is generally better to approach individuals rather than to stand or sit in one place waiting for passersby to approach you. Smile, make eye contact, and have a calm, friendly manner.If you are working with other publishers, it is usually best to approach people separately. Initiative is also needed to follow up on the interest that you find. If appropriate, at the end of the conversation, kindly ask how you may contact the person again. Some publishers do street work regularly at the same location, enabling them to speak to the same people repeatedly and further their interest.