sold ducks today opposite JW cart

by nugget 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • blondie

    I can't understand why the mute there some local ordinance?

    In my area there is a large uni that allows different groups to set up a table with literature but they cannot approach individuals but only talk to them if they approach the table...that is only for the local uni. My husband has seen a couple of trolleys but they were manned/womaned by jws who know us quite well. We may take a observing location though this month and see how it goes taking camera with.

    *** km 6/08 p. 4 par. 2 When a Householder Speaks Another Language ***

    When doing street work or when witnessing informally, a publisher should feel free to approach anyone, including those who may speak another language, and offer literature in the language that the person prefers to read.

    *** km 6/11 p. 2 par. 2 Street Witnessing That Is Effective ***

    Take the Initiative: It is generally better to approach individuals rather than to stand or sit in one place waiting for passersby to approach you. Smile, make eye contact, and have a calm, friendly manner.If you are working with other publishers, it is usually best to approach people separately. Initiative is also needed to follow up on the interest that you find. If appropriate, at the end of the conversation, kindly ask how you may contact the person again. Some publishers do street work regularly at the same location, enabling them to speak to the same people repeatedly and further their interest.

  • adjusted knowledge
    adjusted knowledge

    I was working on my college degree six years ago and would see elderly ones sit on a bench holding up a Watchtower. They said nothing and did nothing. Though I've been inactive for quite some time at that point it still didn't seem the usual hype I recall from my youth. I did street witnessing and I never would just stand in one placing holding a magazine.

    Those witnesses might as well of been invisible to the young college student. I don't see what the WT has to offer young people to be interested. I think religion can have a valuable use in our society but sadly it seems just a black hole for ones money.

  • 4thgen

    Hi Nugget! When I saw your post, I thought I had a senior moment! A couple of weeks ago, I was also selling ducks at a local event for the Center for Prevention of Abuse. When I glanced at your title, I thought, “gosh did I post it and FORGOT?!?!?!?!!?‘ Well, two rows over from our duck sales in the non-for-profit-booth were two JW’s with their table. (How do you insert a picture here????)

    Since I was the back-up duck sales person, I had quite a bit of time to watch their table. (was I GLAIRING????) People walked around the table as if it was contaminated. I felt a little sorry for the 2 people there, but then I thought better of it. The only person that I know for sure that stopped by to talk to the Witnesses at the table was a minister looking for food donations for their local pantry….and we all know how that went over! :(

    It wasn’t until the last ½ hour of the 3 hour event, that they moved in front of the table. They tried to talk to the other vendors. Since I was staring, I was waiting for the man to come over to talk to me. (I probably did scare him off with my glaring. But he didn’t, come over-----chicken!

    If he did come over, I was going to say “It’s because of the teachings at YOUR table that I am now at THIS table.” Maybe it was a good thing he didn’t come over, as the poor guy had enough rejection as it was!

  • SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker

    How much land do I need to raise ducks? I heard they are incredible at destroying bugs and snail problems. Do you ship ducks or is this something I should buy locally?

    What can I do to protect them from Foxes, Coyotes and Predators? Please advice!

  • nugget

    We were selling plastic bath ducks for our race so unhappily I am no expert on duck rearing. I do kniw that whilst they rid the garden of snails they are quite messy birds and are no good if you want a pristine garden.

  • sir82

    In the meantime the JWs manned their cart and in the 2 hour period no literature was taken

    Very interesting.

    There are numerous anecdotes on this site, with real-time on-the-ground observers, who have reported the same.

    The Society crows about the "success" of these public witnessing trolleys, but no one on this site has observed it.

  • skeeter1

    The terrible job that Witnesses do at the booths has been reported here alot. Surely, the elders realize that their followers are not being productive. Shouldn't the elders be out there spying on the witness carts, and then giving the followers a critique for their actual service? Or, shouldn't the WTS come out with an article on this? Really fire the JWs up to perform their duties!

  • nugget

    I have seen several carts around but never seen any interest or activity around them. However with the high level of not at homes and rejection using traditional methods it is probably comparable to the door to door work.

    At least with the carts people are not ambushed in their own homes so that is much better. People have the opportunity to take literature or not, mostly not.

  • punkofnice

    I have seen several carts around but never seen any interest or activity around them.

    Ditto. I have seen about 2 Apathy Trollies in Peterborough!

  • Vidiot

    According to the WT...

    ...if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and waddles like a duck...'s a chicken.

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