Here's the article as it appears on the JW site:
Jehovah’s Witnesses Recognize That People Have the Right to Change Religions, Just Not Their Religion
by Watchtower-Free 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sure, they acknowledge that anyone has the "right" to change one's religion...
...whilst conveniently failing to mention their "right" to ostracize and vilify anyone who leaves theirs.
When you don't tell the whole truth - with the express purpose of leading someone to a different conclusion than they otherwise would - that's cheating...
...and if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, they don't deserve to be defended.
For those coming to this thread from the latest thread to highlight this article - the above comment by Vidot is an excellent precis of the situation.
Theocratic warfare(tm) (AKA telling lies to trick people into being a JW), is still alive and well.