'The Compound' is coming on nicely...

by snare&racket 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    WARWICK — Precursory site work on The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's 45-acre Jehovah’s Witnesses World Headquarters project in Sterling Forest has been completed, meaning construction of the planned eight-building complex on Long Meadow Road along the Warwick-Tuxedo town line is poised to begin in earnest.

    The Warwick Town Board on June 12 agreed to reduce Watchtower's town-mandated $33.103 million performance bond by a third to signify the completion of approximately one-third of the project.

    Bond reduction totals $11.114 million

    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Associate General Counsel Richard Moake and spokesman David C. Day, a Newfoundland attorney who has represented Jehovah Witness clients in significant Canadian religious freedom rulings, said the $11.114 million bond reduction means preliminary site work has been completed and inspected.

    Day said construction will "begin soon" on the site and the project is on track to be completed "by the end of 2016."

    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York - Jehovah Witnesses - purchased 253 acres in Tuxedo and Warwick along Long Meadow Road within 22,000-acre Sterling Forest State Park in 2009, including the former 50-acre International Paper plant in Tuxedo.

    The Jehovahs now produce their nationally published magazine, "The Watchtower," from their Tuxedo plant and plan to move their world headquarters from Brooklyn to a site near the plant on Long Meadow Road in Warwick.

    Last July, the Warwick Town Planning Board approved the Jehovah's world headquarters proposal, which calls for a 45-acre campus including an administration building, services building with kitchen, laundry, storage and infirmary; four residential buildings housing 588 one- and two-bedroom units for approximately 1,000 residents; a vehicle maintenance building; a waste-separation plant; a powerhouse/maintenance building, and a gym. Most parking will be in attached underground parking structures.

    Code enforcement officer upgraded

    Warwick Town Supervisor Michael Sweeton said with construction gaining momentum and bound to "take up a great deal of time," the town has added a full-time code enforcement officer to its staff to help handle the anticipated spike in the project's pace.

    Sweeton said Daniel P. Gibson, a part-time town building inspector, will be retained full-time with an annual salary of $70,000 that will be paid by the impact fees generated by the project."

    - See more at: http://warwickadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20140617/NEWS01/140619969/Jehovah-Witness-World-HQ-project-moving-forward-#sthash.pikmI1Ma.dpuf


    Wow. The temple is being rebuilt!! It's "paradise" on earth. Too bad they will probably lose the use of JW.org. That's really going suck for them. I wonder how they will spin that one.

    I am proud to say that I will not lift one finger ( except my middle finger) for the WTBTS.


  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Two hundred and fifty-three acres! And there's no property tax is there? But they have to pay "impact fees"?


  • frankiespeakin

    I'm sure they cut some type of deal with the town.

  • rebel8

    Well at least it created 1 job.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    So they're selling off a billion dollars worth of historic and prime real estate in a city that gives them huge exposure? WT used to pride itself on the fact that their offices were mentioned on so many tours and millions of people drove past their signs every day. As far as NYC and much of the world will be concerned, Watchtower will cease to exist. The new owners sure won't leave the JW.org or any of the other WT signs on the properties.

    And this sell-off is to build a remote compound out in the sticks where nobody will notice them? I hope they park one of their little litteratrash carts out by the main road so tourist JWs know where to turn.

  • snare&racket

    Data , what did you mean about jw.org?


    Jwleaks said that the WTBTS was having issues getting the JW.org logo. Apparently it's in court as we speak. You may want to check Jwleaks.


  • Mum

    Billy: I think the WT location in Brooklyn is now seen as a liability, as there have been many protests staged there by ex-JW's. Years ago, I went to Englsnd to participate in a Silentlambs march. There was no march,but just two Americans appearing on behalf of the molested children. The headquarters were in an isolated spot, and there were no sidewalks around it, so it would not have been a great venue for a march of any kind. IMHO, I think they know that it will be much harder for "apostates" or any kind of protestors to draw much attention at the new compound.

  • snare&racket

    Cheers DD

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