As the conventions are in full swing, and my relatives who are still in make a point to tell me what their vacation will include. I am reminded of a couple of things about conventions I do not normally think about.
One, the people who would protest the conventions. Some with bags on their head, others just holding signs. Might be some people out there who still do that. To the past people, and the present, I say the same thing. You look like idiots! Go home.
Two, remember how you always set there and wondered what the new publication would be and what new light would come out? Was it just me or did it basically come down to this. When will you tell us the time of the end? How much longer? And what Bible Codes did you unlock to show these facts? I was always disappointed when the new light would be things like, "People who die will never be able to marry again or be back in a marriage with their husband or wife" or something like "1914 is no longer the date we said, thought or any other backpeddling that date needs."
But more then anything I would like to be a fly on the wall to see how they are explaining 2014 and this being 100 years since 1914. I know my relatives are having a hard time swallowing that pill and wanting answers and burned out. I also know they will be willing to accept any answer that is given.
Anyway, glad my summer does not involve crowded conventions, bad hotel rooms and terrible cheap food. But for some it is, and again the protesters are idioits.