Our Spin On Sunday's Lesson "Spending Long Periods Of Time At Beth-hell and R.B.C Might Lead to Homosexuality or Incest.

by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • frankiespeakin

    lest they might get lured in to a sexual relationship with another man, woman or animal or perhaps incest?

    Hey these old codgers on the Governing Body ough to know the truth about this after all they got their fingers on the pulse of the congregation though their Judicial process. So from the look of things it seem like lot of faithful brothers are turning to incest and beastiality when the go off somewhere where nobody knows them and latter feel guilty and turn them sevles in after screwing somebody's pooch, or worse a women, and worse yet their own child is on the menu.

    But we must remember these guys are in extreme denial and any conclusions they reach about why so many are turning to incest, and beastiality inside the congregation are bound to be tied up with not listening to the Organization's warning about going places and doing things.

    I wonder if it is really true that the WT corporation has a list of some 20,000 pedofile JWs. Anyway seems like an awful lot of Depressed JWs go to pot if they go somewhere the WT don't want you to go to.

  • blondie

    When my husband was accepted to go to Bethel to work for 2 weeks, the elders came to me and asked if that was all right with me for my husband to be gone that long. Do they still do that?

  • Finkelstein

    Spe nding Long Periods Of Time At Beth-hell and R.B.C Might Lead to Homosexuality or Incest.

    The GB men are stupid beyond comparison, so anymore than two weeks will inflect the desire for homosexual experiences.


    Sounds to me like some brothers got caught with their pants down by their ankles at the Bethel dorms.

    " Brother Jones since we are away from are wifes at this time would you like to play husband and wife

    on the marital bed with me ? "

    " Well now that you mentioned it I have been a little randy as of late, OK but just this once, I think I saw

    a jar of Vaseline in the bathroom, wait right here Mrs. Jones ..... he he he "

  • bobld

    What a bull tail story.Stupid they should read their own story of "Robert Wallen particular p16 priveleges of service in the same mag.Wivies were not allowed to travel with their husbands when they visited branch facilities.

  • prologos

    true story, experience from way back:

    , sister,special pioneer invited to pioneer/elder class in branch bethel [sans husband,-- who already was previously 'processed' there twice].

    She gets promptly propositioned by lonely heart hormone-driven male[s] that miss their wives of course. poor souls, its a 4 week course,

    way over the NEWLITE 'one week' limit that makes one so weak.

    This is the branch that had a philandering B.O. who was deposed, and some 'left leaning'* famous- name residents too.

    * no judgemental comment here, and

    the less said the better.

    In other words:-- that wt mag speaks from DEEP experience that they had in their own stalls.

  • berrygerry

    There was a newspaper article years ago (major Cdn city) of a man arrested for doing someone's dog. The article said it was a JW, which at the time, I refused to believe. They had interviewed the householder. She didn't answer when he knocked, but was watching through the window, and called the police when he did it. Too bad there weren't cell phone cameras then.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Now I am picturing Blondie resorting to a brief lesbian affair while her husband was working at Bethel.

    I will have to check with my wife on how she did when we were separated by work for less than 6 months. 20 years ago, I moved for work ahead of my wife to establish an income while she kept a job with benefits for those 6 months before joining me. This is something I wrote about it:

    I was rather surprised at what my Witness friends and fellow elders in the congregation had to say about our decisions to make major changes. "You are seeking material gain ahead of spiritual gain." "Jehovah doesn't approve of husbands and wives separating even for a short time. That allows temptation to creep into the marriage." Gossip of my supposedly troubled marriage started going around. The other elders said that my "qualifications" to serve as an elder would be called into question if the wife and I lived separately. "It might "stumble" the members to see that one of the elders is separated from his wife." I had already felt that Jehovah had directed my path, so these well-intentioned congregation members confused me. Was Jehovah directing my decisions that were already made or were they my decisions against His will and He was directing others to point that out? Since I could not be sure, I figured that the original decisions were made prayerfully and that I had already given my word to my [new employer] that I would be there [at a set date].

    I told congregation members that everything was fine in my marriage and that serving Jehovah was foremost in my plans. I figured that maybe they needed to pray a bit more and stop sharing their personal opinions as if they were God's will. I told the other elders that I knew the rules. If I moved out of the congregation, I would no longer be one of the congregation elders, so they didn't need to be concerned about my "stumbling" other members. They actually admired my standing up to them and their concerns without backing down, so they said they understood that I was doing what was best for my family and they wrote a letter of recommendation that I be reappointed as an elder in my new congregation.

  • punkofnice

    Why does the Watchtower have problems with JWs who have jobs that require long stays and travel?

    Because they're not doing 'busy work' that keeps them from thinking and keeps them in the cult to listen to more ridiculous nonsense from the paedophile sympathising GB.

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